Friday, May 07, 2010

Mother's Day

Tonya Holloway won Best Table Topics:

Fred Sadler gave the #1 speech from advanced manual "Humorously Speaking" entitled A Jewel in the Caribbean:

Fred was evaluated by Tonya Holloway, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Art Testani gave Evaluate to Motivate from "The Successful Club Series":

Art was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Moyara Ruehsen was voted Best Speaker for her #4 speech in the advanced manual "Speaking to Inform" entitled Making Sense of the Greek Crisis:

Moyara was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected the Best Evaluator by GE Rolf Ridge:

Meeting Summary:
TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening remarks: Tonya Holloway
Wordmaster: Elizabeth Mitchell
Grammarian: Betsy Larkin
Ah Counter: Miroslov Lipowski (Most Improved Speaker)
Timer: Jim Burlison
Vote Counter: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Master: Elizabeth Mitchell
Best Table Topics Speaker: Tonya Holloway
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler, #1 in "Humorously Speaking" - A Jewel in the Caribbean
Speaker 1: Art Testani, Evaluate to Motivate (from "Successful Club Series")
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen, #4 in "Speaking to Inform" - Making Sense of the Greek Crisis (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Tonya Holloway (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator 2: Arnie Buss
Evaluator 3: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Rolf Ridge

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