Friday, October 26, 2007

The Toastmasters Cult

Robin Walker (AKA "The Grand Pooh Bah") led the proceedings today with an entertaining and spirited theme of the Toastmasters Cult. Complete with funny hats, secret handshakes and gestures, and even Kool Aide, the meeting was carried on as it might be for a secret society (I'm not sure how many "secret societies" have their own web page and blog!)

The Grand Pooh Bah Toastmaster

We started the meeting with 17 members and 2 guests, but ended the meeting with 18 members and 1 guest - since Bradley McNary joined and was inducted by acting president Angi Anderson.

Table Topics Master Leena Oh asked some great questions around the "cult" theme, with excellent responses by Brian Anderson, Alec Metz, and our newest member Bradley McNary. Alec won best table topics for his spirited description of the "cult's" new uniforms - which included kilts!

Three excellent speeches were given by newer members. Margaret Stevens gave her Icebreaker "Surprise and Adventure" and won Best Speaker for her evocative description of being a singer, massage therapist, and mother. Alex Bein gave his #2 speech "Performance Eating" and Michael Barksdale also gave a #2 speech "Effective Speaking: The Tool of a Competent Leader" for which he won Most Improved speaker. The meeting was rounded off with evaluations from Arnie Buss, Ryan Squires, and Glenn Woodson, who won Best Evaluator for his insightful feedback on Michael's speech.

Margaret Stevens' Icebreaker Surprise and Adventure:

Alex Bein's #2 speech Performance Eating:

Michale Barksdale's #2 speech Effective Communication: The Tool of a Competent Leader:

Upcoming events:

  • Smedley Saturday tomorrow, 1:00 p.m., La Mesa Community Center
  • District Conference, November 17

Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Blogger

I have signed on to be part of the NPS Blog team. Thanks.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Kentucky Wildcats Football and Evening Social

University-of-Kentucky Alum and present MIIS student Elizabeth Mitchell thrilled us all with her cheerleading and Kentucky footbal trivia as she led us through another exciting weekly meeting! Elizabeth's first-time Toastmaster performance was enjoyed by 20 members and one guest (former member and past President Mary Lineberger, ATMB - welcome back, Mary!).

Luke Lazzari won "Best Speaker" for his 5th speech about his escapades at a yard sale, while Leena Oh was "Most Improved" with her #3 speech (thus enabling Angi Anderson to complete her mentorship and thus achieve her "Competent Leader" award). Robin Walker entertained us with an advanced manual speech about his cooking escapades, while his evaluator Angi Anderson was awarded "Best Evaluator". Meanwhile, Cathy Lee's description about "herding cats" won "Best Table Topics".

Leena's #3 speech, Tell Me What You Do, Already!:

Robin's speech #4 from "The Entertaining Speaker" advanced manual, Dinner at Monica's:

But the day was not yet over. Several members and guests gathered that evening for a "potluck social" overseen by Angi Anderson at the La Mesa Community Center. Highlight of the party was Robin Walker's "after dinner" advanced manual speech, which completed his requirements for Advanced Communicator Bronze. Congratulations, Robin --- that now gives us seven (7; count 'em) goals toward the 2007-08 Distinguished Club Plan, making us already "Select Distinguished" and it's still only October!

The food was delicious and the company great! In addition to Robin's after-dinner speech, the dinner itself was punctuated by an impromptu, friendly "toast-off" between the two tables (instigated by Robin). And what is a Toastmasters speech without an evaluation? Robin's evaluation was graciously provided by Fred Sadler, who gave a picture-perfect sandwich - and after dinner, no less! An excellent time was had by all. Many thanks to Angi and Brian, "Team Anderson" for organizing the event!

Robin's After Dinner Speech:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chance Wins Division Humorous Contest!

NPS Toastmaster extraodinaire Chance Litton won the Division A Humorous Speech contest in Aptos today, besting with his hilarious speech "The Life and Times of Mr. Spock." There was some stiff competition, including one from a human-size banana slug!

Congratulations Chance! All members, come and support Chance as he competes at the District Contest on November 17.

Unfortunately, Robin Walker, the other Area A1 champion, couldn't attend the contest, but his replacement, runner-up Kristian Crump from Bayview Toastmasters won. Congratulations Kristian!

This means that Area A1 swept the Division!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Well, no beer flowed (a Federal workplace, after all), but the joviality was definitely there as 17 members and three guests (two of whom committed to join) watched Angi Anderson's awesome #10 speech, for which she won Best Speaker (see below). Fred Sadler presented a special module on Evaluation, which he needs for one of the advanced awards.

Fred's speech Evaluate to Motivate

Angi's inspirational #10 speech Remember to Say "Thank You"

Chance Litton won Best Table Topics, Leena Oh was Best Evaluator in her first time in that role, and soon-to-be-returning-member Elizabeth Guzman won Most Improved.

And, with Angi's speech, we now have 6 of 10 goals for the year, and are again a "Distinguished Club"!

Don't forget to come to the Division Humorous Contest tomorrow and support Chance as he represents Area A1 against the other areas in our division!

Friday, October 05, 2007


Welcome to our newest member Emilie Staryak! That gave us 15 members and one guest who witnessed Ryan Squires' first go at TMOD. With a theme of "Teachers", Ryan led us through another great program with his usual wit and humor.

We had two icebreakers (including one "backbreaker"; just ask Alex Bein!), and a #6 speech by Cathy Lee which won "Best Speaker". "Most Improved" was Steve Skaggs, while Glenn Woodson won "Best Table Topics". Robin Walker again won "Best Evaluator" as he gets ready to represent the club and Area A-1 in the Division A contest on October 13th.

Steve Skaggs' Icebreaker Together by Ourselves

Michael Barksdale's Icebreaker Why Being the Little Man on the Bottom is Not So Bad

Cathy Lee's #6 Speech The Play's the Thing