Friday, January 31, 2014

Building Membership

TMoD was Sheila Dundon

Humorist Arnie Buss was going for the shortest performance of the role:

Tom Anderson gave his Icebreaker A Connecticut Yankee Abroad:

Tom's evaluator was Jarrod Smith:

Best Speaker Don Free gave the #4 project from Speaking to Inform Advanced Manual, State of the Club 2014:

Jack Jackson evaluated Don and was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, January 24, 2014

Milestone Birthdays

Kate Daniels Kurz was TMoD and chose a theme of "Milestone Birthdays"

Humorist was Pat Hanson

Table Topics was won by Jack Jackson

Will Spears gave his Icebreaker 150 Men in a Pipe:

Will's evaluator was Jack Jackson:

Leisel Iverson won both Best Speaker, and Most Improved, with her #4 speech, The Little White Box:

Leisel's evaluator Arnie Buss, was selected Best Evaluator:

Friday, January 17, 2014


Arnie Buss chose a lighthearted theme as TMoD - Cartoons

Annette Cain was Humorist

Newest member Will Spears won Table Topics, but unfortunately there is no video.

Jack Jackson gave his second #3 speech from the CC manual, A Prophet in His Own Mind, and was voted Best Speaker:

Pat Hanson Speech was his Speech Evaluator

Carrie Glenn was voted Most Improved Speaker for her #9 speech Practicing Politeness is the Key to Peace:

Annette Cain was her Speech Evaluator and also selected as Best Evaluator:

Friday, January 10, 2014

New Beginnings

Fred Sadler started the new year as TMoD with a theme of New Beginnings

Kyle Tobin-Williams was the Humorist
and also won Best Table Topics

Annette Cain gave her #4 speech  Ageless Dogma and was voted Most Improved Speaker

Don Free was Annette's Evaluator and was chosen Best Evaluator
Jack Jackson gave his #10 Still Looking for That Box? and was voted Best Speaker - congratulations Jack for achieving Competent Communicator

Jack was evaluated by Kate Daniels Kurz