Friday, May 25, 2012

Coffee or Tea?

Dave Cho debuted as TMoD, and chose a theme of Coffee and/or Tea. To underline the theme, he provided Toastmasters High Tea" with snacks to go along with the beverages. What a delicious meeting!

We were joined by three guests from the Monterey Institute Toastmasters club (from left to right) Peter Weldon (not shown), Max Falaleyev, Sierra Tan.  Peter wound up winning Best Table Topics. (The picture shows Sierra responding to a Table Topics question).

 Cristina Lamberte gave the opening remarks:
Jarrod Smith gave his Icebreaker speech A Man's Life:

Jarrod was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

 Carl Thormeyer gave a #8 from his third time through the manual, The Meaning of our Toastmasters Equipment, and was voted Best Speaker:
Carl was evaluated by Art Testani, who was also selected as Best Evaluator:

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Bucket List

Tom Shih led our meeting today with a theme of "The Bucket List." Jarrod Smith was the humorist: Jim Burlison won Best Table Topics, which consisted of the incoming club officers giving their campaign speeches: Monique Fountain gave her Icebreaker speech In Pursuit of the Egg and was voted Most Improved Speaker: Monique was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen: Fred Sadler gave a #4 from his second time though the CC manual, I Am Sick - I need a Doctor! and was voted Best Speaker: Fred was evaluated by Art Testani: Arnie Buss gave a #8 speech from the CC manual, The Most Expensive Violin in the World: Arnie was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was also selected as the Best Evaluator:

Friday, May 11, 2012

All That Jazz!

Shiela Dundon debuted as TMoD with a bang - or rather with some hot and cool jazz! Tables Topics was won by Jim Burlison: Dave Cho gave his #3 speech Building Resilience in an Era of Persistent Conflict and was voted Best Speaker: Dave was evaluated by Tom Shih: Moyara Ruehsen garnered Most Improved for her speech Breaking the Ice in Baghdad:
Moyara was evaluated by Fred Sadler, selected as Best Evaluator:

Friday, May 04, 2012


Fred Sadler was TMoD with a theme of Springtime!

Past member and club president Moyara Ruehsen re-joined us and proceeded to win Best Table Topics Speaker:

Sheila Dundon was voted Most Improved Speaker for her #3 speech When Women Lead, You Will Succeed:

Sheila was evaluated by Tom Shih:

Jim Burlison gave an advanced speech from the Speaking to Inform Manual, To Be or Not To Be and was voted Best Speaker:

Jim was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who was narrowly selected as Best Evaluator: