Friday, October 26, 2012


TMoD Kathleen Hanselmann had another Halloween-themed meeting today!

Humorist Monique Fountain relayed a spooky story with a twist at the end:

Monique also won Best Table Topics:

Katharine Daniels Kurz gave the #1 project from advanced manual "The Professional Speaker", Moving Humanity Forward Through Women's Perspective She was voted Best Speaker:

Kate was Evaluated by: Carl Thormeyer, who was also selected as Best Evaluator)]

Sheila Dundon gave her #3 speech Growing Flowers from Bulbs: A Minimal Investment with a Big Payoff

Sheila was evaluated by Art Testani:

Friday, October 05, 2012


Art Testani was TMoD and chose Evaluations as his theme - very appropriate for Toastmasters!

Humorist was Jarrod Smith:

Tables topics was a tie between Fred Sadler and Glenn Woodson:

Tetyana Margolina won both Best Speaker and Most Improved Speaker for her #2 speech, Lost and Found:

She was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

David Cho gave his #5 speech, Animal Kingdom in Southern California

Dave was evaluated by Pat Hanson:

Kathleen Hanselmann finished the prepared speeches with #3: Providing High Touch Service in a Military Environment 

Her  evaluator, Arnie Buss, was selected Best Evaluator: