Friday, July 27, 2012

Let's Dance!

Kate Daniels Kurz chose a secret theme of "Dance"for a sparsely-attended, but enthusiastic and excellent meeting.

Carl Thormeyer gave Opening Remarks, in which he hinted at (but did not reveal) the theme of the meeting:

Monique Fountain won Best Table Topics for her description of whales feeding in the Bay:

Fred Sadler gave a #5 CC speech, What I Learned at the Roast Last Saturday:

and was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, chosen as Best Evaluator:

Arnie Buss inaugurated his tenth CC with an Icebreaker, Not By Myself:

He was evaluated by Don Free:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday the Thirteenth

Jim Burlison used the date-appropriate theme of "Friday the Thirteenth" for today;s meeting and sprinkled interesting facts about why it is a feared date throughout the meeting.

Jarrod Smith started off with some humor:

Shiela Dundon won Best Table Topics:

Don Free gave his Icebreaker speech It's a Good Life and was voted Best Speaker:

Kate Daniels Kurz was selected Best Evaluator fro her feedback to Don:

Most Improved Speaker was Cristine Lamberte, giving her #3 speech Without Imagination There Is No Action:

Mayara Ruehsen evaluated Cristine's speech: