Friday, August 30, 2013

Mid-Summer's Night Memory

Carrie Glenn, fresh from the Toastmasters International Convention in Cincinnati, was a first-time TMoD today, choosing a theme of "Mid-Summer's Night Memory."

Annette Cain gave the humorist/opening remarks:

Best Table Topics Speaker was Kyle Tobin-Williams:

Katharine Daniels Kurz presented the Toastmasters Educational Program and won Best Speaker:

Kate's evaluator was Arnie Buss:

Jack Jackson continued his sprint through the CC manual with his #5 speech Tell Me Lies, and was voted Most Improved Speaker:

 Jack's evaluator was Celine Lai:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Humorous and Evaluation Speech Contest

All were winners at today's Humorous and Evaluation Contests!

Will Heilbut from the MIIS Toastmasters Club gave the test speech, Life Equals:
Cristine Lambarte expertly led the evaluation contest, while Don Free MC-ed the humorous contest.

Will Heilbut from the Monterey Institute Toastmasters Club was the test speaker, with Life Equals:

Second Place was Kate Daniels Kurz:
And the winner was Chuck Burton:
Kyle Tobin-Williams came in second in the humorous speech contest with He's Waiting Up All Night To Get Lucky - There Ought to be Rules:
Arnie Buss won the contest with Unanswerable Questions;

Friday, August 16, 2013

Good Eats!

Kyle Tobin Williams made a fabulous debut as TMoD, sandwiched between Concours D'Elegance events.

Carrie Glenn won Table Topics:

Celine Lai gave her #3 speech Be Grateful!

Celeine was evaluated by Carrie Glenn:

Tetyana Margolina won Best Speaker with her #8 Little Keys to Big Doors:

Tetyana's evaluator was Pat Hanson:

Carl Thormeyer gave a #3 speech from the advanced manual "The Entertaining Speaker" entitled I'm Just an Old Guy:

Carl was evaluated by Annette Cain:

Friday, August 09, 2013


Chuck Burton chose Cars as his theme - appropriate due to the local Concours D'Elegence event happening this week on the Monterey Peninsula!

Celine Lai gave Opening Remarks:

Jack Jackson discussed the science of complexity in his #4 speech Simply Complex:

Jack was evaluated by Jarrod Smith:

Art Testani encouraged us to"make a difference" with his #7 speech, entitled You Can Make a Difference:

Art was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was also chosen Best Evaluator:

Kyle Tobin-Williams won Best Speaker with her #3 The Write to Speak, in which she extolled the virtues of writing versus impromptu speaking:

Kyle's evaluator was Tetyana Margolina:

Friday, August 02, 2013

World Traveling

TMoD Celine Lai's inaugural as TMoD was a brilliant success with her theme of World Traveling.

Humorist Thomas Mallory started us of with a laugh

Table Topics was won by Jack Jackson

Cristine Lambarte #7 was voted Most Improved, How Do You Feed Your Brain?

Cristine's Evaluator was Fred Sadler

Arnie Buss won Best Speaker with his (eleventh) #4, Speaking Without Words:

Arnie's Evaluator Kathleen Hanselmann was chosen Best Evaluator: