Friday, September 25, 2009


Veteran and Distinguished Toastmaster Carl Thormeyer put on a "how to be an expert TMoD" clinic around the theme "Upheavels". As accomplished leaders do, he stepped into the role when needed at the last minute and put together a crisp and fun filled meeting for the 13 members (no guests) in attendance.

Arnie Buss' Opening Remarks were brief and to the point:

Moyara Ruehsen won Best Table Topics speaker for her polished response to Art Testani's question:

Black Belt Bruce Lim was voted Most Improved for his #4 speech which revealed the spirit, tradition and moves of the Korean Martial Art - Tai Kwan Do:

Bruce was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator for her outstanding effort by GE Jim Burlison:

Fred Sadler gave the #5 speech from the advanced manual "The Entertaining Speaker" titled Is it Vanity? and was voted Best Speaker for his nuanced 8 - 10 minute effort to explore a quality that seems to be all around us if not inside us:

Fred was expertly evaluated by Tonya Holloway:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Remembering C.S. Lewis

In his first time as TMoD, Jim Burlison made it look like he has been doing it for years! He led a smooth meeting of 14 members with three prepared speeches, lots of Table Topics, and entertaining information on C.S. Lewis and his writings.

Margaret Stevens' Opening Remarks:

Joe Tacker was voted Best Table Topics Speaker in response to a question from Bruce Lim:

Dennis Hickman gave a polished Icebreaker speech What You Want, and was voted Most Improved Speaker:

Dennis was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Karen Woodson performed the #1 speech in the advanced manual Storytelling; the project is to read a folk tale. Karen chose Why the Ocean is Salty:

Karen was evaluated by Elizabeth Micthell, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Cathy Lee:

Fred Sadler gave the #4 speech in the Humorously Speaking Manual entitled SoWhat Kind of Doctor Are You? and was voted Best Speaker:

Fred was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Call 911 for Help

Fred Sadler as TMoD led us through several meanings of 911 on this eighth anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. 911 is the emergency response number though it hasn't always been so. He reminded us that the solution to a public speaking emergency is to come to Toastmasters - not to call 911! Although we only had 10 members in attendance, the meeting was very animated and lots of fun as usual....

Wendy Goody gave opening remarks:

Moyara Ruehsen won Best Table Topics for her response to Margaret Stevens who in turn channeled Karen Woodson:

Lacey Raak was voted Best Speaker for her #5 speech, A Day to Remember.

Lacey was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Carl Thormeyer:

Juliette Ferguson was voted Most Improved for her #8 speech Take a Shot and Tell Two:

Juliette was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchell:

We also had a special election for two vacated offices. Congratulations to Moyara Ruehsen as the new VP Education and Elizabeth Mitchell as the new Secretary for the rest of the term ending Dec 31st.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Try Something New!

With 12 members and one guest present, Cathy Lee as TMoD gave us a lesson in being creative and stepping out of the comfort zone to "try new things". She ran a creative meeting filled with wisdom and levity. Those members who missed the meeting due to the Labor Day weekend missed a unique "impromptu" meeting whereby all but the major roles were selected from a "grab bag".

Newest member Aaron Sanchez won Best Table Topics:

Natalie Laudier gave a very informative #4 speech entitled The Carmel River State Beach and tied with Jim Burlison for Most Improved Speaker. This is her last day with us. She and her husband are off to Hawaii after a whilwind vacation in Italy. Natalie - we will miss you and have been thrilled to have you with us in club #2032. We wish you continued success in Toastmasters and in everything.

Natalie was evaluated by Karen Woodson:

Jim Burlison gave a semi-impromptu #6 speech:

Jim was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected BestEvaluator:

Arnie Buss gave a #7 speech entitled The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. With the time rules suspended, he was voted best speaker.

Arnie's evaluator was Fred Sadler: