Friday, October 26, 2007

The Toastmasters Cult

Robin Walker (AKA "The Grand Pooh Bah") led the proceedings today with an entertaining and spirited theme of the Toastmasters Cult. Complete with funny hats, secret handshakes and gestures, and even Kool Aide, the meeting was carried on as it might be for a secret society (I'm not sure how many "secret societies" have their own web page and blog!)

The Grand Pooh Bah Toastmaster

We started the meeting with 17 members and 2 guests, but ended the meeting with 18 members and 1 guest - since Bradley McNary joined and was inducted by acting president Angi Anderson.

Table Topics Master Leena Oh asked some great questions around the "cult" theme, with excellent responses by Brian Anderson, Alec Metz, and our newest member Bradley McNary. Alec won best table topics for his spirited description of the "cult's" new uniforms - which included kilts!

Three excellent speeches were given by newer members. Margaret Stevens gave her Icebreaker "Surprise and Adventure" and won Best Speaker for her evocative description of being a singer, massage therapist, and mother. Alex Bein gave his #2 speech "Performance Eating" and Michael Barksdale also gave a #2 speech "Effective Speaking: The Tool of a Competent Leader" for which he won Most Improved speaker. The meeting was rounded off with evaluations from Arnie Buss, Ryan Squires, and Glenn Woodson, who won Best Evaluator for his insightful feedback on Michael's speech.

Margaret Stevens' Icebreaker Surprise and Adventure:

Alex Bein's #2 speech Performance Eating:

Michale Barksdale's #2 speech Effective Communication: The Tool of a Competent Leader:

Upcoming events:

  • Smedley Saturday tomorrow, 1:00 p.m., La Mesa Community Center
  • District Conference, November 17

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