Friday, April 09, 2010


Cat Grant debuted as Toastmaster of the day with a theme of "Change."

Jim Burlison gave Opening Remarks:

Rolf Ridge gave his #3 speech Property Assessed Clear Energy Financing and was tied for both Best Speaker and Most Improved Speaker:

Rolf was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Tonya Holloway gave her #9 speech Educating for a Successful Future and tied with Rof for both Best and Most Improved speaker:

Tonya was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected Best Evaluator:

Meeting summary:
TMod: Cat Grant
OR: Jim Burlison
WM: Arnie Buss ("transmute")
Ah: Elizabeth Mitchell
VC: Mirislav Sipowski
Table Topics Master: Cathy Lee
TT Speaker 1: Jim Burlison
TT Speaker 3: Margaret Stevens

Speaker 1: Rolf Ridge #3 Property Assessed Clear Energy Financing (tied for BS and MI)
Speaker 2: Tonya Holloway #9 Educating for a Successful Future (tied for BS and MI)
Evaluator 1: Jim Burlison
Evaluator 2: Carl Thormeyer (Best Evaluator)

General Evaluator: Fred Sadler
Attending: Wendy Goody

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