Friday, February 26, 2010


Elizabeth Mitchell demonstrated superior multitasking abilities by conducting the meeting as TMoD and also delivering a prepared speech! With 11 members and 2 guests, attendance was light, but we made up for quantity with Quality! Elizabeth's theme was "Coworkers" - people who we deal with in our jobs, who can be blessings or annoyances.

Aaron Sanchez led off with opening remarks:

Moyara Ruehsen led Table Topics, eliciting responses from Margaret Stevens, Tenly Connor, Rolf Ridge, and one of our guests, Erik. Rolf was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Karen Woodson gave the #2 speech from the Storytelling advanced manual titled Two for One, about the joys (and perils) of being twins; she was voted Most Improved speaker:

Karen was evaluated by Art Testani, who was himself chosen as Best Evaluator:

Next was Elizabeth's #9 speech project "Persuade with Power," entitled Why We Should Not Have to Give a Persuasive Speech. Elizabeth persuaded (!) the audience why trying to persuade someone about something is ineffective.

Elizabeth was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Rounding out the functionaries were:

Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge (word of the day: Servile"
Ah Counter: Stephen Col
Grammarian: Aaron Sanchez
Timer: Margaret Stevens
Vote Counter: Tenly Connor
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer

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