Friday, September 19, 2008

Science Fiction - and Farewell to Brian

Today's meeting is another traditionally "low attendance" one due to final exams and preparation for graduation next week. However, with 18 members and one guest you would never have guessed it! It was another bittersweet meeting - the sweet being Joyce Laker from Uganda giving her #10 speech, we welcome her to the ranks of "Competent Communicator" - and the sad being Brian Anderson's last meeting. Although we are fortunate to have half of "Team Anderson" with us awhile longer, Brian will be graduating and moving on. Brian has been such a stalwart backbone of the club for the past two years, and will be very much missed by all. See below for his farewell to the club. We did however have a long-lost member, Elizabeth Mitchell, return.

Chance Litton had an opportunity to show us yet another dimension to his versatile set of skills by running the meeting smoothly and with his prototypical Chance-ness. The meeting started with Tito's remarkable opening remarks - what was once wild and fantastic is now commonplace:

Opening Remarks by Tito DeJesus:

Chance's theme was of course science fiction - as distinct from fantasy. Explaining that films such as Star Wars are really more in the fantasy realm than science fiction, Chance extolled the virtues of the genre, including the top science fiction films (Blade Runner).

Margaret Stevens led an energetic Table Topics session with thoughtful questions of John Armstrong, Karen Woodson, and Tito DeJesus. Tito DeJesus won best Table Topics speaker with his explanation of why Blade Runner is his favorite science fiction movie:

The prepared speeches were begin by Donna Cunningham's fascinating peek into Gullah, and how she has been torn between the culture of her present and that of her past. Donna was voted Most Improved speaker.
Donna Cunningham's #3 speech, Bin Yah Come Yah:

Joyce Laker completed the Competent Communicator manual with a call to action on the worldwide problem of HIV-AIDS. While improvements have been made in the problem, Joyce showed how much more is needed. She was inspiring by showing how we are impacted in our roles as parents, educators, and citizens. Joyce won Best Speaker for this - and the congratulations from all for achieving Competent Communicator.
Joyce Laker's #10 speech HIV AIDS: A Call to Action:

Expert evaluations were performed by club and area champion Angi Anderson and Arnie Buss. In an upset, Arnie was selected best evaluator by GE Art Testani:

Brian Anderson bids farewell to the club. We will miss you and wish you all the best!

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