Friday, September 05, 2008

A BadA** Humorous Contest!

A near record crowd of 24 members and one former member (now being re-instated) enjoyed one of the best Club Humorous Speech Contests ever with five (5; count 'em!) outstandingly funny contestants! All five contestants were Jay Leno guest material but only one, Tito Dejesus emerged as the winner with his good-natured parody about New York City. Chance Litton finished second by the narrowist of margins (according to Chief Judge Carl Thormeyer) with a repeat of his now notorious "Five Baddest A____s of All Time" speech. Newest members Max Akhterov and Tonya Holloway gave hilariously funny speeches, as did Angi Anderson talking about "Girls Night Out". Each performed with originality and panache.

So: Tito goes on to represent NPS TM #2032 in the Area A-1 Humorous Speech Contest next Saturday afternoon 13 Sept. in Salinas, while Angi will represent us in the Area A-1 Evaluation Contest. Chance Litton has been tapped to be Toastmaster of the Evaluation Contest.

Tito's winning speech, A State of Mind that Never Sleeps:

Max's speech Cultural Learning of America for the Benefit of Personal Enrichment:

Tonya Holloway's Help Me find My Skin:

Angi Anderson's Girls' Night Out:

Chance Litton's Five Baddest A____s of All Time

The event was ably organized and chaired by Joyce Laker who also serves as President of the MIIS Toastmasters Club. Mike Kensick became our ninth new member since July 1 and was welcomed by Club President Fred Sadler.

Our latest newletter by VPPR Tito Dejesus (newly posted to our Web site) colorfully announced our club pot luck social, which is set for Friday September 19 @ 6pm to be held at the La Mesa Community Center. This is a great opportunity for spouses and significant others to participate in the fun of Toastmasters.

Our Treasurer, John Armstrong announced dues of $39 for the six month period beginning October 1 should be payable to NPS Toastmasters. Please bring a check or cash to next week's meeting. Never in the history of humankind, has so much fun been had by so many for so few (dollars) - with apologies to Winston Churchill.

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