Friday, May 09, 2008

Traveling in Monterey

With 21 members and 4 guests (including Fred Sadler's wife Edi), Leena Oh's second time as TMoD was welcomed by a full house. With a very pertinent theme of "Traveling in Monterey," our glorious Peninsula was honored throughout the meeting with useful information and reverence. As an experienced TMoD, Leena presided over a fun-filled, educational, and entertaining meeting.

Art Testani's Opening Remarks deserve a listening:

Table Topics Master Joyce Laker kept us on our toes - or at least kept Alex Bein, Robin Walker, and Fred Sadler on their toes with challenging and relevant questions. Fred was awarded best Table Topics speaker, and his winning speech is show below:

The prepared speeches got off to an amazing start as Bill Gibbons presented an informative and very entertaining speech, explaining rainbows, the "22° halo," and mini-mirages. For his fantastic speech he was voted best speaker. In only his third speech, Bill has demonstrated his fantastic speaking and communicating skills!

Bill Gibbons' #3 speech It's Just Bent Light:

John Armstrong followed with his #4 speech about the challenges of coming up with a topic for a speech. For his humorous and entertaining coverage of a topic we have all struggled with, John received "Most Improved Speaker."

John Armstrong's #4 speech So Many Topics, So Little Time:

Chance Litton batted cleanup with his #6 speech along similar themes - procrastination. Extolling the virtues of never doing today what can be put off until tomorrow, Chance was entertaining as always and filled with humor.
Chance Litton's #6 speech The Art of Procrastination:

Three excellent evaluations were given by Alex Bein (for Bill) Cathy Lee (for John) and Carl Thormeyer (for Chance). General Evaluator Brian Anderson completed the evaluation portion of the meeting with insightful overall feedback on the entire meeting and detailed evaluation of the speech evaluators, selecting Alex as Best Evaluator.

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