Friday, April 25, 2008


Eighteen members and three guests enthusiastically welcomed Eric Guttmann's first foray as TMOD, and all contributed to another great meeting! Donna Cunningham won both "Best Speaker" and "Most Improved" with her descriptions of her private spaces where she finds inner peace, while long-time Toastmaster (and one of our club's newest members) Art Testani treated us with an icebreaker of sorts, describing how he got into Toastmasters and what it has meant to him (see below for both speeches).

Best Evaluator was Robin Walker, who made the effort to coordinate with his assigned speaker (Donna) ahead of time. Best "Table Topics" went to John Armstrong.

On the Horizon:
May 16-17: District 4 Spring Conference, Elections, and Speech Contest (our own Arnie Buss is representing Division A in the International Speech Contest, competing against speakers from the seven other Divisions!) See for details.

Art Testani's Advanced Speech from Public Relations, #1 "The Good Will Speech" titled Toastmasters, Gandhi, and Me:

Donna Cunningham's #2 speech A Piece of Peace:

1 comment:

Scott said...

It's great to see that the NPS Toastmasters are doing well. I've enjoyed keeping in touch through the blog.

-Scott Wilbur