Friday, March 04, 2011

Current Events

Our meeting got off to a terrific start with the induction of our newest member, Natasha Zeligs:

Glenn Woodson never disappoints when it comes to crafting out-of-the-box meetings, and today was no exception.

Sharon Lipinski got us started with good humor:

Table Topics was won by Brian McGinnis:

Ngan Kim introduced himself to the club with a very moving Icebreaker speech Why I Joined the Army:

Ngan was evaluaed by Carl Thormeyer:

Rolf Ridge gave his #4 speech What the Heck is Going On in Egypt, and Why Should I Care?, and was voted both Best Speaker and Most Improved:

Rolf was evaluated by Fred Sadler, who was also chosen as Best Evaluator:

The highlight of Fred's evaluation was when he "walked like an Egyptian:

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