Friday, January 29, 2010

Super Bowl!

Jim Burlison used the theme of the Superbowl to lead a great meeting. Who would have known otherwise that it was connected with hula hoops or big oil?

Cat Grant gave a historical and poetic Opening Remarks:

There was a tough battle in table topics between Rolf Ridge, Wendy Goody, and Karen Woodson,

with Karen coming out on top for her response about watching the Super Bowl on a big screen tv and getting the "wrong" dish subscription.

Prepared speeched were by two experienced members. Fred Sadler led off with a module from the Better Speaker Series, Taking the Terror out of your Talk. Fred was voted best speaker:

Fred was evaluated by Karen Woodson, who was selected best evaluator:

Carl Thormeyer gave another module from the Successful Club Series, Keeping the Commitment:

Carl was evaluated by Arnie Buss:

Rounding out the meeting were:
Moyara Ruehsen (wordmaster)

Wendy Goody (grammarian)

Aaron Sanchez (timer)
Jason Lin (Ah counter)

Rolf Ridge (vote counter)

Elizabeth Mitchell (table topics master)

Margaret Stevens (general evaluator)

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