Friday, June 05, 2009


We started by inducting our newest member, Wendy Goody, an experienced Toastmaster having achieved AC-B. Welcome Wendy!

Tonya Holloway was TMoD extraordinaire, filling in at the last minute, yet running a smooth and effective meeting with the appropriate theme of Spontaneity.

David Perez gave Opening Remarks:

Newest member Wendy Goody was voted best Table Topics Speaker:

Natalia Shilova gave her #3 speech Nonverbal Communication, and was voted Most Improved speaker:

Art Testani was selected Best Evaluator for his feedback to Natalia:

Christina Hicks left few dry eyes with her emotional #4 speech from the "Speaking to Inform" advanced manual entitled Demented; she was voted Best Speaker:

Christina was ably evaluated by Joe Tacker:

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