Friday, May 22, 2009

Childhood - and Twos

Christina Hicks returned to club #2032 following her maternity leave and handled her TMoD role skillfully in a well-timed meeting (we finished early) with the appropriate theme of Childhood. It was also a meeting of "twos" - since it was Christina's second child plus there were two #2 speeches given - and one being on the second time though the CC manual! We elected our new slate of club officers for the July-December time period - they are listed in last week's blog. Congratulations to the new leadership team. Cate Anderson was inducted as a new member - welcome Cate. Eighteen members and two guests were present.

Tonya Holloway delivered opening remarks:

Moyara Ruehsen was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Bruce Lim's informative #2 speech, Korea, earned him a well deserved Most Improved Speaker:

Bruce was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who was selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Art Testani.

Joe Tacker, moving through the CC manual a second time, gave his #2 speech, Discombobulated, and was voted Best Speaker (do you know the many meanings of biannual? etc):

Joe was evaluated by John Armstrong:

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