Friday, March 20, 2009


With sixteen members and four guests present, Karen Woodson got us off to a great start by writing a poem for Opening Remarks:

We then inducted Khalid "K.J." Woods into membership, giving us seventeen members and three guests present....

Long-time member and Past President Joe Tacker then took over as Toastmaster, with a theme of "titles" (as in books).

Margaret Stevens was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:

Natalia Shilova was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved Speaker for her Icebreaker Past, Present, and Future:

Katharine Daniels Kurz was selected best evaluator for her evaluation of Natalia's Icebreaker:

Art Testani gave a #3 speech from the advanced manual Public Relations, The Virtual World:

Karen Woodson evaluated Art's speech:

And we have at least three new folks ready to join within the next couple of weeks!

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