Friday, October 24, 2008

The Pacific Ocean!

TMOD and Club Treasurer John Armstrong led 22 members and 2 guests on the theme of the Pacific Ocean including nautical stories and incidents from our members. We were privileged to listen to Christina Hicks' moving #10 speech; she is the Club's newest Competent Communicator ("CC"). Congratulations, Christina!

Aysun Caliskan became the first NPS TM member to use photographs on our "Smart-Screen" via PowerPoint to introduce her table topics questions in her role as Table Topics Master. What ingenuity!

We inducted new members Malia Esteban and Tony Valle. Welcome to the Joy of Public Speaking!

Katherine Daniels Kurz' Opening Remarks:

Tito DeJesus' winning Table Topics speech (the "shark"):

Sammie Pringle's #2 speech warned us about the dangers of Too Much TV (Most Improved Speaker)

Christina Hicks' #10 speech drawing inspiring lessons from the life of President John Adams - A Life Well-Lived (voted Best Speaker):

Karen Woodson was selected "Best Evaluator" for her insightful evaluation of Sammie Pringle's #2 speech:

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