Friday, January 11, 2008

Changing of the Guard

The New Year brought in Monterey's worst storm in many years, which knocked out power and forced the cancellation of last weeks meeting. As is our wont, the club simply cranked things up a notch by starting 2008 with a fantastic meeting! With 21 members and 2 guests, we continued the trend of well-attended meetings.

We were convened by outgoing President Robin Walker and quickly held the induction of new officers, ably executed by District Parliamentarian Carl Thormeyer, after which our incoming President Angi Anderson had control of the meeting. The Robin Walker administration achieved all 10 DCP goals, a record for our club at least, and the clear front runner of District 4. Congratulations to Robin and his awesome team of officers! Angi began her term by induction our newest member, Kelley Calvert, who jumped right in by acting as vote counter for the meeting.

Leena Oh was in her first time as TMoD, and ran a smooth meeting with a theme of New Years Resolutions. Eschewing Table Topics due to the officer inductions, we were treated to Masami Maseda's Icebreaker speech, Elie Ishag's number 4 speech and Elizabeth Guzman's #5 speech. Elie got the nod as Best Speaker, while Masami was elected Most Improved Speaker.

Evaluations were expertly given by seasoned Toastmasters Mary Lineberger, Robin Walker, and Glenn Woodson, with Robin getting the nod from General Evaluator Angi Anderson as Best Evaluator.

Masami's Icebreaker Speech, How English Became My Friend:

Elie's #4 Speech, The Decline of the U.S. Dollar:

Elizabeth's #5 Speech, No Resolutions Here!:

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