Saturday, July 14, 2007

We're Back to Normal!

"Friday the 13th" didn't even merit a mention, as first-time TMoD Eric Timmerman led us through another great meeting with 17 members and four guests present. Eric's theme, "Hollywood and its Impact on your Life", was woven into the meeting throughout, as we all learned of each other's favorite movies.

To add icing on the cake, our visiting dignitary Division A Governor Tim Childers installed the new officers that were present. (Division A consists of 20+ clubs in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties.)

Scott Wilbur led Table Topics, with Shenequa Mitchell capturing the "Best Table Topics" award with her dissertation on who she would like to play in a movie if she were a movie actress. New member Steve Scaggs (congratulations!) also participated; we specifically voted him into membership at the beginning of the meeting so he would be eligible for Table Topics!

We had three good speakers once again - Ned Powley gave his #6 speech about the different types of speech detractions (ahs, ums, like, you know, fade-aways, etc.). Chance Litton won "Best Speaker" for his strong defense of nuclear power while debunking the various nuclear power myths (his #2 speech). Arnie Buss won "Most Improved" for his third #2 speech (working on his 3rd CC) on "Servant Leadership".

"Best Evaluator went to Fred Sadler for setting the example with his excellent animated suggestions regarding Ned Powley's speech. General Evaluator was Carl Thormeyer.

Robin Walker as Wordmaster started what may become a new tradition in our club - if everyone uses the word, then the Wordmaster gets fined five cents as the word must have been too easy! (He didn't have to worry...)

20 July: Chance Litton volunteered to be TMoD. Please help him and volunteer for a job!
28 July: Smedley Saturday. Sign up to speak with Angi.
10 Aug: Club Evaluation and Humorous Speech contest.

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