Friday, June 22, 2007

"Oh, What a Beautiful Morning..."

With Fred Sadler as Toastmaster opening the meeting by leading us in singing "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning" from the Broadway play "Oklahoma", 14 members and 3 guests celebrated Fred's theme of "Summertime"! (Note that this was a record crowd for an end-of-June meeting; usually we have fewer than 10 present at meetings during the last two weeks of June due to NPS and MIIS both being out of session.)

Robin Walker won "Best Speaker" for his third speech from the Entertainment Speaker manual - "Make them Laugh". The speech, "Canoes", is presented below. Angi Anderson won "Best Evaluator" in her critique of Robin's speech.

Robin's entertaining and humorous speech about the perils of canoing:

Meanwhile, Alec Metz gave an animated #5 speech entitled "Movement", and with lots of body language described a classmate who "danced" the story of the fall of the Soviet Union! His speech follows:

Table Topics Master Warner Howser called on five participants; Glenn Woodson won "Best Table Topics" with his description of his favorite summertime activity. Leena Oh was "Most Improved" with her description of the perfect summertime.

Upcoming Events:
Sat 30 June from 1-4 pm: Officer Training - Golden Gate Univ., Fort Ord.
Tues 3 July - 11 am: New Student Fair - Barbara McNitt Ballroom.
Sat 28 July: Next "Smedley Saturday" for those wishing to speak more.

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