Friday, May 11, 2007

A Road Less Traveled...

Eighteen members and two guests witnessed several unique events at our 11 May meeting... specifically:

Robin Walker (below) served as acting president as we voted in four new standing rules (soon to be posted on the Web site).

Glenn Woodson (below, left) was TMoD par excellance while conducting a semi-"grab bag" meeting! All but the major functionaries received their roles at the meeting by a drawing. Glenn brought along a dictionary, paper, and marking pens for impromptu Wordmaster Shenequa Mitchell, who did a great job in her unexpected role! Glenn's theme? "A Road Less Traveled".

Mash (below, left) explaining how the weather in Mongolia is slightly different than Monterey, delivered his #4 speech on "The Environment, Nukes and Mongolia". He was voted "Most Improved".

... and Shahid Abrar ul Hassan (below, left) telling us more about the different forms of the English language in his final meeting at NPS Toastmasters. Shahid won "Best Speaker" with this #6 speech. A new graduate of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Shahid is leaving the U.S. for his new position in Kuwait much closer to his home in Pakistan. He expects to find a Toastmasters club to join there!

Ned Powley (below left) presents his #7 speech, which was a discussion of his current research efforts.

Karen Woodson (below, left) as Table Topics Master ran an outstanding session which was won by Robin Walker.

And last but not least, Cathy Lee was chosen "Best Evaluator" for her critique of Shahid's speech.


18-19 May: District 4 Spring Conference in Foster City. Come support Angi as she represents our club and Division A in the Table Topics contest Friday night!

26 May: Smedley Saturday. Specifics TBA.

9 June: Evening Pot-Luck social event at the La Mesa Community Center.