Monday, March 12, 2007

Toastmasters International Around the Globe...

Hello Fellow Toastmasters!

Just wanted to let you know that I have recently returned (yesterday) from a successful recruiting trip in Asia! I was in Taiwan and Thailand recruiting graduate students for our programs at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

While there at an event in Taipei, I met a very enthusiastic Taiwanese Toastmaster! He was distributing information about Toastmasters International at this American Education Expo, to encourage students interested in studying in the US to attend Toastmasters in order to improve their English! We had a great discussion about the benefits of Toastmasters, and about what a wonderful international organization it is... I learned from him that the first TM club was established in 1924, in Santa Ana, California, by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley (hence Smedley Saturdays - duh!)

Here is a link to his Toastmasters Club in Taipei and click here to find a club anywhere in the world!

NPS and Monterey Institute students - listen up! Your education in public speaking is not limited to your time in Monterey. You can find great English speaking (and Spanish-speaking, French-speaking, Japanese-speaking, etc. etc.) clubs around the world where you can improve your communication and leadership skills. Oh, and it is great networking too!!!

See you this Friday,

P.S. For the Grammarian - I know that I used excessive exclamation points in this email.


Arnie B said...

Awesome, Mary, that you can go halfway around the world and find Toastmasters! You are a fantastic ambassador!

Glenn Tolle said...

Thanks for that enthusiastic globalized post, Mary! I think your use of exclamation marks were on target and refreshingly enthusiastic!
