Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sadler's Triple Header

At the 12:10 gavel, Fred Sadler treated club members and guests to a well-organized meeting with the theme of “Mentorship.” Shenequa Mitchell providing opening remarks, Peter Blouin issued the Word of the Day (Mentor). Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan, John Looney and new member Eric Timmerman shared their extemporaneous thoughts on mentorship, with John Looney winning the day’s ribbon.

The three speakers of the day treated widely different topics, with Glenn Tolle mimicking a dentist drill, Arnie Buss inspiring the brilliant artist latent in all of us, and Robin Walker recounting with energized nostalgia the adventures and state funeral of “supervan.”. The Sergeant at Arms, Brian Anderson, evaluated GT’s “Vocal Variety” speech, Angi Anderson evaluated Arnie’s “How to Say It” entry and Arnie in turn evaluated Robin Walker’s Advanced Manual speech (The Entertaining Speaker).

Carl Thormeyer performed admirably as the general evaluator, rendering a bird’s-eye-view synopsis of the meeting, and awarding Arnie Buss “Best Evaluator.” GT’s semi-confessional Dentophobic Speech garnered him a “Best Speaker” ribbon.

The meeting’s grande finale was the official induction of Karen Woodson and Eric Timmerman into the club, bringing our paid membership back up to 39 with 23 new members since July 1st. Congratulations fellow NPS Toastmasters!

Three well-prepared speeches and new member inductons made this Friday lunch hour a worthwhile experience for all. The guests of the day—Monica-April and Kira from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, Ryan and Mish from NPS and Karen Woodson’s twin sister Sharon provided the club valuable and encouraging comments.

Up Next: Smedley Saturday!

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