Club presdient Moyara Ruehsen inducts newest member Sharon Lipinski:
Rolf Ridge led an action-packed meeting with the theme of "Holidays."
The Twelve Days of Toastmasters led by humorist Art Testani:
Ali Yildaz was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Brian McGuinnis gave his Icebreaker, Why is Your Name, and as voted Most Improved Speaker:
Brian was evaluated by newest member Sharon Lipinski, who was also selected Best Evaluator:
Moyara Ruehsen gave a dry run for her commencement address at MIIS tomorrow, and was voted Best Speaker.
Moyara was evaluated by Suad Ali:
TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Humorist: Art Testani
Wordmaster: Tom Shih ("superannuated")
Ah Counter: Juliett Ferguson
Timer: Fred Sadler
Grammarian: Margaret Stevens
Vote Counter: Zeynep Yildaz
Table Topics Master: Paul Salevski
TT#1: Ali Yildaz (Best Table topics)
TT#2: Margaret Stevens
S#1: Brian McGuinnis, #1: Why is Your Name?
S#2: Moyara Ruehsen (Commencement Speech)
E#1: Sharon Lipinski (Best Evaluator)
E#2: Suad Ali
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer
Friday, December 10, 2010
Friday, December 03, 2010
Christmas Spirit
Paul Salevski outdid even himself with a Christmas-themed meeting, complete with lights, refreshments, candy, and gifts.
Ali Yilmaz was the humorist:
Newest member Zeynep Yilmaz (Ali's wife) won best table topics:
Arnie Buss gave (yet another) #3 speech Three More Lessons:
Arnie was evaluated by Juliette Ferguson:
Moyara Ruehsen practiced a speech she will give to the MIIS graduating class, because of her having won the teacher of the year award from MIIS (congratulations Moyara!)
Art Testani evaluated Moyara and was selected Best Evaluator:
Ali Yilmaz was the humorist:
Newest member Zeynep Yilmaz (Ali's wife) won best table topics:
Arnie Buss gave (yet another) #3 speech Three More Lessons:
Arnie was evaluated by Juliette Ferguson:
Moyara Ruehsen practiced a speech she will give to the MIIS graduating class, because of her having won the teacher of the year award from MIIS (congratulations Moyara!)
Art Testani evaluated Moyara and was selected Best Evaluator:
Friday, November 19, 2010
TMoD Art Testani chose Elections as the theme of the day.
Guest Scott Seggerman of Planet Ord Toastmasters was voted best speaker for What it Takes to Run an Area-Wide Table Topics Party:
Scott was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
Nusret Denizci gave his Icebreaker speech:
Nusret was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
Paul Selevski gave his #5 speech, Are You Ready, Daddy?
Paul was evaluated by Fred, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Guest Scott Seggerman of Planet Ord Toastmasters was voted best speaker for What it Takes to Run an Area-Wide Table Topics Party:
Scott was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
Nusret Denizci gave his Icebreaker speech:
Nusret was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
Paul Selevski gave his #5 speech, Are You Ready, Daddy?
Paul was evaluated by Fred, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Friday, November 12, 2010
San Francisco Giants - World Champions!
Fred Sadler celebrated the recent victory of the San Francisco Giants in the World Series as the theme for this week's meeting.
Jim Burlison won Best Table Topics:
A guest from sister club Lettuce Speak, Dan Maschmeier, tied for Best Speaker and Most Improved Speaker with his #4 speech Wouldn't You Rather Be Warm?
Dan was evaluated by Paul Salevski:
Tom Shih gave the #1 speech from advanced manual "Speaking to Inform" titled More About Rainbows. He tied with Dan for Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:
Cathy Lee's evaluation of Tom earned her Best Evaluator:
Jim Burlison won Best Table Topics:
A guest from sister club Lettuce Speak, Dan Maschmeier, tied for Best Speaker and Most Improved Speaker with his #4 speech Wouldn't You Rather Be Warm?
Dan was evaluated by Paul Salevski:
Tom Shih gave the #1 speech from advanced manual "Speaking to Inform" titled More About Rainbows. He tied with Dan for Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:
Cathy Lee's evaluation of Tom earned her Best Evaluator:
Friday, November 05, 2010
Baby Shower for Caitlin!
Club President Moyara Ruehsen organized a surprise baby shower meeting for Sergeant at Arms Paul Salevski and his wife celebrating their having adopted Caitlin.
Michelle Banezwski's #2 speech, Check it Out: The Library's Influence in My Childhood:
Arnie Buss' evaluation of Michelle's speech:
Table Topics Part I:
Table Topics Part II:
Michelle Banezwski's #2 speech, Check it Out: The Library's Influence in My Childhood:
Arnie Buss' evaluation of Michelle's speech:
Table Topics Part I:
Table Topics Part II:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Suad Ali ran a terrific meeting in her first tome as TMoD. Her theme as "attitude" and was capped by her reading Charles Swindoll's poem of that name:
Table Topics was won by our guest and former Area A2 Governor Scott Seggerman.
Arnie Buss gave a module from the "Better Speaker Series" Beginning Your Speech and was voted Best Speaker:
Arnie was eveluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
Carl Thormeyer continued his third time through the CC manual with a #3 speech Women in Toastmasters:
Carl was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Table Topics was won by our guest and former Area A2 Governor Scott Seggerman.
Arnie Buss gave a module from the "Better Speaker Series" Beginning Your Speech and was voted Best Speaker:
Arnie was eveluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
Carl Thormeyer continued his third time through the CC manual with a #3 speech Women in Toastmasters:
Carl was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator:
public speaking,
Friday, October 22, 2010
Juliette Ferguson was TMoD today
Carl Thormeyer channeled his inner George Carlin as Humorist:
Jim Burlison was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Rolf Ridge gave his #6 speech:
Rolf was evaluated by Jim Burlison, who was selected Best Evaluator. Unfortunately the video camera malfunctioned during the first part of the evaluation, but here is the rest:
Arnie Buss gave the #8 speech from the CC manual, I Don't Have a Thing to Talk About:
Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani:
Carl Thormeyer channeled his inner George Carlin as Humorist:
Jim Burlison was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Rolf Ridge gave his #6 speech:
Rolf was evaluated by Jim Burlison, who was selected Best Evaluator. Unfortunately the video camera malfunctioned during the first part of the evaluation, but here is the rest:
Arnie Buss gave the #8 speech from the CC manual, I Don't Have a Thing to Talk About:
Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani:
Friday, October 01, 2010
Jim Burlison channeled the Great Carnak in his debut as Humorist:
Rolf Ridge was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Michelle Banezwski gave her Icebreaker speech and was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:
Paul Salevski gave his #4 speech What is Progress:
TMoD: Art Testani
Humorist: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Margater Stevens
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Tom Shih
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
Timer: Cathy Lee
Table Topics Master: Cathy Lee
Speaker #1: Michelle Banazwksi, Icebreaker (Best Speaker, Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Paul Salevski, Speech #4: What Is Progress?
Evaluator #1: Suad Ali
Evaluator #2: Juliette Ferguson
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer
Rolf Ridge was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Michelle Banezwski gave her Icebreaker speech and was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved:
Paul Salevski gave his #4 speech What is Progress:
TMoD: Art Testani
Humorist: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Margater Stevens
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Tom Shih
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
Timer: Cathy Lee
Table Topics Master: Cathy Lee
Speaker #1: Michelle Banazwksi, Icebreaker (Best Speaker, Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Paul Salevski, Speech #4: What Is Progress?
Evaluator #1: Suad Ali
Evaluator #2: Juliette Ferguson
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer
Friday, September 24, 2010
Seventeen members and four guests gave us the largest attendance in several weeks as we tried a few things different.
Cat Grant shook things up a bit by trying out a new format, in which the theme is revealed beforehand, and "Opening Remarks" is replaced by a "Humorist" !
The changed format involved having a Humorist instead of Opening Remarks. Here is Arnie Buss as the first NPS Humorist:
Betsy Larkin was Table Topics Master,
and Moyara Ruehsen gave the best Table Topics response:
The first speech was Suad Ali's #3 entitled Foreign Aid and Why It's Not Working. Suad was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved Speaker:
Suad was evaluated by Wendy Goody, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Art Testani gave the first of several speeches in support of his High Performance Leadership project:
Art was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
TMoD: Cat Grant
Humorist: Arnie Buss
Ah Counter: Tom Shih
Word Master: Ramez Andraus Jr
Grammarian: Jim Burlison
Vote Counter: Paul Salevski
Timer: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Betsy Larkin
Table Topics Speaker #1: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Speaker #2: Juliette Ferguson
Table Topics Speaker #3: Jim King (guest)
Table Topics Speaker #4: Cathy Lee
Speaker #1: Art Testani
Speaker #2: Suad Ali (Best, Most Improved Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Wendy Goody (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator #2: Catherine J Lee
Evaluator #3: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Rolf Ridge
Cat Grant shook things up a bit by trying out a new format, in which the theme is revealed beforehand, and "Opening Remarks" is replaced by a "Humorist" !
The changed format involved having a Humorist instead of Opening Remarks. Here is Arnie Buss as the first NPS Humorist:
Betsy Larkin was Table Topics Master,
and Moyara Ruehsen gave the best Table Topics response:
The first speech was Suad Ali's #3 entitled Foreign Aid and Why It's Not Working. Suad was voted both Best Speaker as well as Most Improved Speaker:
Suad was evaluated by Wendy Goody, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Art Testani gave the first of several speeches in support of his High Performance Leadership project:
Art was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
TMoD: Cat Grant
Humorist: Arnie Buss
Ah Counter: Tom Shih
Word Master: Ramez Andraus Jr
Grammarian: Jim Burlison
Vote Counter: Paul Salevski
Timer: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Betsy Larkin
Table Topics Speaker #1: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Speaker #2: Juliette Ferguson
Table Topics Speaker #3: Jim King (guest)
Table Topics Speaker #4: Cathy Lee
Speaker #1: Art Testani
Speaker #2: Suad Ali (Best, Most Improved Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Wendy Goody (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator #2: Catherine J Lee
Evaluator #3: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Rolf Ridge
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Accidental Toastmaster
Fifteen members eventually made it to our Toastmasters room for one of the more unusual meetings in many a year.
Club President Moyara Ruehsen inducts newest member Ramez Andraus, Jr:
Glenn Woodson doing his creative best as TMoD, turned the meeting format topsy-turvy with "The Accidental Toastmaster" theme.
The meeting functionaries explained their roles in a round-robin, manner, taking several times around to get them all. From left to right: Glenn Woodson, TMoD; Margaret Stevens Wordmaster; Moyara Ruehsen, Ah Counter; Michele Banazwski, Vote Counter:
Table Topics was even more different. All four Table Topics speakers were called up at once by Table Topics Master Fred Sadler. From Left to right, Art Testani, Jim Burlison, Fred Sadler, Paul Salevski, Rolf Ridge:
They then had to answer each question as a pair using the props they were issued. Here, Paul and Rolf prepare their response:
Art and Jim contemplate a question:
They had to begin their response from the back of the room:
Here, Art and Rolf had to give their response from a sitting position, while Jim looks on with perplexed amusement:
General Evaluator Arnie Buss tries to make sense of it all:
Tom Shih's Storytelling speech "The Folk Tale" entitled How Chinese Foot Binding Came About
Carl Thormeyer's evaluation:
Club President Moyara Ruehsen inducts newest member Ramez Andraus, Jr:
Glenn Woodson doing his creative best as TMoD, turned the meeting format topsy-turvy with "The Accidental Toastmaster" theme.
The meeting functionaries explained their roles in a round-robin, manner, taking several times around to get them all. From left to right: Glenn Woodson, TMoD; Margaret Stevens Wordmaster; Moyara Ruehsen, Ah Counter; Michele Banazwski, Vote Counter:
Table Topics was even more different. All four Table Topics speakers were called up at once by Table Topics Master Fred Sadler. From Left to right, Art Testani, Jim Burlison, Fred Sadler, Paul Salevski, Rolf Ridge:
They then had to answer each question as a pair using the props they were issued. Here, Paul and Rolf prepare their response:
Art and Jim contemplate a question:
They had to begin their response from the back of the room:
Here, Art and Rolf had to give their response from a sitting position, while Jim looks on with perplexed amusement:
General Evaluator Arnie Buss tries to make sense of it all:
Tom Shih's Storytelling speech "The Folk Tale" entitled How Chinese Foot Binding Came About
Carl Thormeyer's evaluation:
Friday, September 10, 2010
With 16 members and two guests present, Cathy Lee led an exciting and fun-filled meeting with the theme of Pets. Former member Charlie Ahciarliu from Romania returned for a second straight week before returning home.
Elizabeth Mitchell achieved her Competent Leader award and announceed the winner of the August Membership Contest, Juliette Ferguson.
This was Elizabeth's last meeting with us, since she will be returning to her Old Kentucky Home. You will be missed! Thank you for your many gifts to Club #2032.
Arnie Buss gave Opening Remarks:
Carl Thormeyer was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Paul Salevski gave his #3 speech entitled Tesla and tied for Most Improved:
Paul was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchel, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Jiom Burlison:
Art Testani gave an impassioned toast to former President George W. Bush and was voted Best Speaker as well as tied for Most Improved:
Art was evaluated by Betsy Larkin:
TMoD: Cathy Lee
OR: Arnie Buss
WM: Tom Shih ("cynophile")
Ah: Michelle Banazwski
G: Joe Tacker
T: Margaret Stevens
VC: Carl Thormeyer
TTM: Rolf Ridge
TT1: Mark (guest)
TT2: Tom Shih
TT3: Carl Thormeyer
S1: Paul Salevski
S2: Art Testani
S3: Wendy Goody
E1: Elizabeth Mitchell
E2: Betsy Larkin
E3: Fred Sadler
GE: Jim Burlison
2 guests
Elizabeth Mitchell achieved her Competent Leader award and announceed the winner of the August Membership Contest, Juliette Ferguson.
This was Elizabeth's last meeting with us, since she will be returning to her Old Kentucky Home. You will be missed! Thank you for your many gifts to Club #2032.
Arnie Buss gave Opening Remarks:
Carl Thormeyer was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Paul Salevski gave his #3 speech entitled Tesla and tied for Most Improved:
Paul was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchel, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Jiom Burlison:
Art Testani gave an impassioned toast to former President George W. Bush and was voted Best Speaker as well as tied for Most Improved:
Art was evaluated by Betsy Larkin:
TMoD: Cathy Lee
OR: Arnie Buss
WM: Tom Shih ("cynophile")
Ah: Michelle Banazwski
G: Joe Tacker
T: Margaret Stevens
VC: Carl Thormeyer
TTM: Rolf Ridge
TT1: Mark (guest)
TT2: Tom Shih
TT3: Carl Thormeyer
S1: Paul Salevski
S2: Art Testani
S3: Wendy Goody
E1: Elizabeth Mitchell
E2: Betsy Larkin
E3: Fred Sadler
GE: Jim Burlison
2 guests
Friday, September 03, 2010
Winston Churchill
NPS Toastmasters welcomed back former member Cantemir "Charlie" Ahciarliu and his son Titus, who were visiting the United States from their native Romania. Charlie, who is a full Colonel in the Romanian Air Force working for the Ministry of Defense, earned his CTM at NPS Toastmasters in the early 2000s. Titus is attending Kent University in England. Total attendance at the meeting was 13 members and five guests.
Newest member Michelle Banazwski was inducted by president Moyara Ruehsen:
Tom Shih gave opening Remarks:
TMoD Jim Burlison's theme was "Winston Churchill". Jim filled the meeting with fascinating and at times obscure quotes and facts about the 20th Century statesman.
Table Topics was won by a former member and returning guest, "Charlie" Ahciarliu:
Fred Sadler channeled the Phantom of the Opera in a tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber and was voted Best Speaker:
Fred was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Arnie Buss gave a #6 speech from the CC manual, Matching the Energy:
Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani:
The Area A1-A2 contest will be held on Saturday September 25 from 1 to 5 pm at the Agricultural Center in Salinas. We will be represented by Wendy Goody (Evaluation) and Jim Burlison (Humorous).
Newest member Michelle Banazwski was inducted by president Moyara Ruehsen:
Tom Shih gave opening Remarks:
TMoD Jim Burlison's theme was "Winston Churchill". Jim filled the meeting with fascinating and at times obscure quotes and facts about the 20th Century statesman.
Table Topics was won by a former member and returning guest, "Charlie" Ahciarliu:
Fred Sadler channeled the Phantom of the Opera in a tribute to Andrew Lloyd Webber and was voted Best Speaker:
Fred was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Arnie Buss gave a #6 speech from the CC manual, Matching the Energy:
Arnie was evaluated by Art Testani:
The Area A1-A2 contest will be held on Saturday September 25 from 1 to 5 pm at the Agricultural Center in Salinas. We will be represented by Wendy Goody (Evaluation) and Jim Burlison (Humorous).
public speaking,
Winston Churchill
Friday, August 27, 2010
Third Grade!
Paul Salevski ("Mr. S") was our very creative TMoD who took us back and forth between third grade and the present:
Opening Remarks by Art Testami:
Best Table topics Speaker, Rolf Ridge:
Speaker #1, Emily Schell, speech #2 Manifesting Employment: (Best and Most Improved Speaker)
Evaluator #1 Arnie Buss:
Speech #2, Moyara Ruehsen, speech #3 in the "Special Occasions" advanced manual, Roast of Arnie Buss:
Arnie's Rebuttal:
Evaluator #2 Wendy Goody (Best Evaluator):
Juliette Ferguson, General Evaluator:
Opening Remarks by Art Testami:
Best Table topics Speaker, Rolf Ridge:
Speaker #1, Emily Schell, speech #2 Manifesting Employment: (Best and Most Improved Speaker)
Evaluator #1 Arnie Buss:
Speech #2, Moyara Ruehsen, speech #3 in the "Special Occasions" advanced manual, Roast of Arnie Buss:
Arnie's Rebuttal:
Evaluator #2 Wendy Goody (Best Evaluator):
Juliette Ferguson, General Evaluator:
Friday, August 20, 2010
The annual evaluation and humorous speech contest was held under the able leadership of Arnie Buss. Former member and past club president Ann Jacobson gave the test speech, Testimonial
Glenn Woodson came in second with his evaluation:
Wendy Goody was voted the winner in the evaluation contest:
Paul Salevski gave a humorous travelogue of his time in Naples, Bella Napoli:
Juliette Ferguson came in second with her tribute to Great Danes, GreyT Geeks:
Jim Burlison won the humor competition with funny - and real - laws around the country, Cracking Down on Crime:
Glenn Woodson came in second with his evaluation:
Wendy Goody was voted the winner in the evaluation contest:
Paul Salevski gave a humorous travelogue of his time in Naples, Bella Napoli:
Juliette Ferguson came in second with her tribute to Great Danes, GreyT Geeks:
Jim Burlison won the humor competition with funny - and real - laws around the country, Cracking Down on Crime:
Friday, August 06, 2010
With 16 members and one guest present, newest member Tom Shih is inducted by Club President Moyara Ruehsen. Tom is a transfer from Wichita Falls, TX Toastmasters Club #305.
Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the tasty theme of "Pie"
Arnie Buss gave opening Remarks:
Fred Sadler was voted Best Table Topics speaker:
Suad Ali was voted Most Improved Speaker for her outstanding Icebreaker:
Suad was evaluated by Cat Grant:
Carl Thormeyer gave his #2 speech (the second time through the CC manual) A Tale of Three Toastmasters Clubs:
Carl was evaluated by Juliette Ferguson:
Moyara Ruehsen won Best Speaker for her humorous and in-character "Accepting an Award:"
Art Testani was selected Best Evaluator for his evaluation of Moyara's speech:
TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Arnie Buss
Wordmaster: Tenly Connor ("Confection")
Grammarian: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Tom Shih
Timer: Elie Ishag
Vote Counter: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Speaker 1: Suad Ali, Icebreaker speech (Most Improved)
Speaker 2: Carl Thormeyer #2 o Competent CommunicatorA Tale of Three Clubs
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen #5 of Special Occasion Speeches Accepting an Award (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Juliette Ferguson
Evaluator 3: Art Testani (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Wendy Goody
Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the tasty theme of "Pie"
Arnie Buss gave opening Remarks:
Fred Sadler was voted Best Table Topics speaker:
Suad Ali was voted Most Improved Speaker for her outstanding Icebreaker:
Suad was evaluated by Cat Grant:
Carl Thormeyer gave his #2 speech (the second time through the CC manual) A Tale of Three Toastmasters Clubs:
Carl was evaluated by Juliette Ferguson:
Moyara Ruehsen won Best Speaker for her humorous and in-character "Accepting an Award:"
Art Testani was selected Best Evaluator for his evaluation of Moyara's speech:
TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Arnie Buss
Wordmaster: Tenly Connor ("Confection")
Grammarian: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Tom Shih
Timer: Elie Ishag
Vote Counter: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Speaker 1: Suad Ali, Icebreaker speech (Most Improved)
Speaker 2: Carl Thormeyer #2 o Competent CommunicatorA Tale of Three Clubs
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen #5 of Special Occasion Speeches Accepting an Award (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Juliette Ferguson
Evaluator 3: Art Testani (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Wendy Goody
Friday, July 16, 2010
Arnie Buss filled in as Toastmaster for this fun-filled meeting with a theme of "Animated Cartoons". Thirteen members and three guests were present. We were treated to two wonderful Icebreakers by Emily Schell (Best Speaker and tied for Most Improved) and Betsy Larkin (tied for Most Improved). Rolf Ridge was Best Evaluator, while Elie Ishag and Wendy Goody tied for Best Table Topics.
Arnie and Carl's favorite cartoon:
Emily Schell's Icebreaker Emily 101 (Best Speaker, Most Improved Speaker)
Emily was evaluated by Cat Grant:
Betsy Larkin's Icebreaker A Geek Before it was Fashionable: (Most Improved Speaker)
Betsy was evaluated by Rolf Ridge (Best Evaluator):
public speaking,
Friday, July 09, 2010
To Kill a Mockingbird
In honor of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Harper Lee's classic novel, veteran Toastmaster and Area A1 Governor Fred Sadler chose "To Kill a Mockingbird" as the theme for the day. The novel is a 20th Century classic and is filled with dramatic moments, insights into human bahavior (good and bad) and excellent writing. The 1962 movie, with an Academy award performance by Gregory Peck is also a gem. We had a big turnout of 17 members and eight guests.
Opening Remarks by Paul Salevski:
peaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)
Juliette was evaluated by Cat Grant:
Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)
Jim was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchell
Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)
Art was evaluated by Cathy Lee:
TMoD: Fred Sadler
Opening Remarks: Paul Salevski
Word Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Master: Arnie Buss
TT Speaker 1: Elie Ishag
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salevski (tied for best TT speaker)
TT Speaker 3: Wendy Goody (tied for best TT speaker)
Timer Tenly Connor
Grammarian: Derby Luckie
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Margaret Stevens
Speaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)
Speaker 2: Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)
Speaker 3: Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Elizabeth Mitchell (best evaluator)
Evaluator 3: Cathy Lee
Opening Remarks by Paul Salevski:
peaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)
Juliette was evaluated by Cat Grant:
Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)
Jim was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchell
Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)
Art was evaluated by Cathy Lee:
TMoD: Fred Sadler
Opening Remarks: Paul Salevski
Word Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Master: Arnie Buss
TT Speaker 1: Elie Ishag
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salevski (tied for best TT speaker)
TT Speaker 3: Wendy Goody (tied for best TT speaker)
Timer Tenly Connor
Grammarian: Derby Luckie
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Margaret Stevens
Speaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)
Speaker 2: Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)
Speaker 3: Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Elizabeth Mitchell (best evaluator)
Evaluator 3: Cathy Lee
Friday, July 02, 2010
Spontaneous Combustion!
Carl Thormeyer, as TMoD led a variation on the usual tightly structured NPST meeting. Each attendee chose his role for the day from a grab bag prepared by Carl. Even the two "prepared speakers" had to give their five to seven minute speeches extemporaneously and they did a fine job. It was great fun.
The Club officers for July-December 2010 were installed by Area A1 Governor Fred Sadler:
Wendy Goody's Opening Remarks:
Rolf Ridge's Impromptu speech, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and the Fourth of July:
Joe Tacker's Impromptu Speech:
Arnie Buss was selected Best Evaluator for his feedback to Joe:
Meeting Theme: Sponteneity
Toastmaster: Carl Thormeyer
Opening Remarks: Wendy Goody
Word Master: Fred Sadler
Table Topics Master: Catherine J Lee
Table Topics Speaker 1: Glenn Woodson (Best Tabke Topics)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Table Topics Speaker 4: Arnie Buss
Timer: Emily Schell
Speaker #1: Rolf Ridge (Best Speaker & Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Joe Tacker (Best Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Betsy Larkin
Evaluator #2: Arnie Buss (Best Evaluator)
Grammarian: Margaret Stevens
Ah Counter: Art Testani
Vote Counter: Jim Burlison
General Evaluator: Moyara Ruehsen
The Club officers for July-December 2010 were installed by Area A1 Governor Fred Sadler:
Wendy Goody's Opening Remarks:
Rolf Ridge's Impromptu speech, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and the Fourth of July:
Joe Tacker's Impromptu Speech:
Arnie Buss was selected Best Evaluator for his feedback to Joe:
Meeting Theme: Sponteneity
Toastmaster: Carl Thormeyer
Opening Remarks: Wendy Goody
Word Master: Fred Sadler
Table Topics Master: Catherine J Lee
Table Topics Speaker 1: Glenn Woodson (Best Tabke Topics)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Table Topics Speaker 4: Arnie Buss
Timer: Emily Schell
Speaker #1: Rolf Ridge (Best Speaker & Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Joe Tacker (Best Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Betsy Larkin
Evaluator #2: Arnie Buss (Best Evaluator)
Grammarian: Margaret Stevens
Ah Counter: Art Testani
Vote Counter: Jim Burlison
General Evaluator: Moyara Ruehsen
Friday, June 25, 2010
June Weddings
Our last meeting of the 2009-2010 Toastmasters year was emceed by Arnie with the theme of "Weddings and Marriage" it being June, the traditional month of weddings. The "ewww" factor was raised by the sharing of the origins of June weddings (in the 1500's when people took a bath only once a year in May and by June were only a little bit aromatic - hence the bride's traditional bouquet of flowers).
Emily Schell was inducted as our newest member, bringing our final membership total to 32.
Welcome Emily!
Unfortunately the video camera was misbehaving and so the only one available is of Fred Sadler's winning table topics:
TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening Remarks: Fred Sadler
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Juliette Ferguson
Ah Counter: Jim Burlison
Timer: Derby Luckie
Vote Counter: Steven Simmons
Table Topics Master: Betsy Larkin (Most Improved)
TT Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics)
TT Speaker 2: Steven Simmons
TT Speaker 3: Emily Schell
TT Speaker 4: Rolf Ridge
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler
Special Occasion Speeches #1: A Toast
Speaker 2: Moyara Ruehsen
CC Speech #2: Love is All You Need: So Let's Go Out and Find Some (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Art Testani
Evaluator 2: Carl Thormeyer (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Arnie Buss
It has been another grand year for Club #2032!!!!
Emily Schell was inducted as our newest member, bringing our final membership total to 32.
Welcome Emily!
Unfortunately the video camera was misbehaving and so the only one available is of Fred Sadler's winning table topics:
TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening Remarks: Fred Sadler
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Juliette Ferguson
Ah Counter: Jim Burlison
Timer: Derby Luckie
Vote Counter: Steven Simmons
Table Topics Master: Betsy Larkin (Most Improved)
TT Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics)
TT Speaker 2: Steven Simmons
TT Speaker 3: Emily Schell
TT Speaker 4: Rolf Ridge
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler
Special Occasion Speeches #1: A Toast
Speaker 2: Moyara Ruehsen
CC Speech #2: Love is All You Need: So Let's Go Out and Find Some (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Art Testani
Evaluator 2: Carl Thormeyer (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Arnie Buss
It has been another grand year for Club #2032!!!!
public speaking,
Friday, June 18, 2010
Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet
Art Testani's theme was from an old Chevrolet commercial:
Throughout the meeting, Art skillfully deconstructed the elements of "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet" to reveal their (non-American) origins.
Opening remarks were by Jim Burlison:
Tables topics was won by our guest, Emily
Fred Sadler gave the #2 speech from Humorously Speaking entitled Cliches and was voted Best Speaker:
Fred was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
Arnie Buss gave the #3 speech from the CC manual, Forgiveness: Myths and Practice:
Arnie was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Fred Sadler:
TMoD: Art Testani
Opening Remarks: Jim Burlison
Wordmaster: Cat Grant
Grammarian: Cat Grant
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Betsy Larkin
Timer: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Juliette Ferguson
Table Topics Speaker #1: Betsy Larkin
Table Topics Speaker #2: Emily Schell (Guest - Best Table Topics Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker #3: Jim Burlison (Most Improved Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker #4: Art Testani
Table Topics Speaker #5: Carl Thormeyer
Speaker #1: Fred Sadler #2 from Humorously Speaking, Cliches (Best Speaker)
Speaker #2: Arnie Buss, #4 from CC Manual, Forgiveness: Myths and Practice
Evaluator #1: Carl Thormeyer
Evaluator #2: Rolf Ridge (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Fred Sadler
Throughout the meeting, Art skillfully deconstructed the elements of "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie, and Chevrolet" to reveal their (non-American) origins.
Opening remarks were by Jim Burlison:
Tables topics was won by our guest, Emily
Fred Sadler gave the #2 speech from Humorously Speaking entitled Cliches and was voted Best Speaker:
Fred was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer:
Arnie Buss gave the #3 speech from the CC manual, Forgiveness: Myths and Practice:
Arnie was evaluated by Rolf Ridge, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Fred Sadler:
TMoD: Art Testani
Opening Remarks: Jim Burlison
Wordmaster: Cat Grant
Grammarian: Cat Grant
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Betsy Larkin
Timer: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Juliette Ferguson
Table Topics Speaker #1: Betsy Larkin
Table Topics Speaker #2: Emily Schell (Guest - Best Table Topics Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker #3: Jim Burlison (Most Improved Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker #4: Art Testani
Table Topics Speaker #5: Carl Thormeyer
Speaker #1: Fred Sadler #2 from Humorously Speaking, Cliches (Best Speaker)
Speaker #2: Arnie Buss, #4 from CC Manual, Forgiveness: Myths and Practice
Evaluator #1: Carl Thormeyer
Evaluator #2: Rolf Ridge (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Fred Sadler
Friday, June 11, 2010
Club President Art Testani began by inducting Steven Simmons to membership in Club # 2032:
Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the theme of "Farewell" in honor of departing member Tonya Holloway who is off to Georgia. Tonya - we will miss you - please keep in touch.
Tenly Connor gave Opening Remarks.
Steven jumped right in by winning Table Topics in response to Fred Sadler's question:
Cat Grant gave her #3 speech entitled Video Phobia - Does Privacy Matter?
Cat was ably evaluated by Jim Burlison:
Tonya presented an inspirational #10 speech Are You Stuck, for which she received a standing ovation and was voted Best Speaker:
Tonya was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected Best Evaluator:
TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Tenly Connor
Wordmaster: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Fred Sadler
TT Speaker #1: Steve Simmons
TT Speaker #2: Cathy Lee
TT Speaker #2: Catherine Talbot (guest)
Speaker #1: Cat Grant #3 Video Phobia - Does Privacy Still Matter?
Evaluator #1: Jim Burlison
Speaker #2: Tonya Holloway #10 - Are You Stuck?
Evaluator #2: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Cathy Lee
Best Evaluator: Carl
Best Table Topics: Steven
Most Improved: Cat
Best Speaker: Tonya
Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the theme of "Farewell" in honor of departing member Tonya Holloway who is off to Georgia. Tonya - we will miss you - please keep in touch.
Tenly Connor gave Opening Remarks.
Steven jumped right in by winning Table Topics in response to Fred Sadler's question:
Cat Grant gave her #3 speech entitled Video Phobia - Does Privacy Matter?
Cat was ably evaluated by Jim Burlison:
Tonya presented an inspirational #10 speech Are You Stuck, for which she received a standing ovation and was voted Best Speaker:
Tonya was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected Best Evaluator:
TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Tenly Connor
Wordmaster: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Fred Sadler
TT Speaker #1: Steve Simmons
TT Speaker #2: Cathy Lee
TT Speaker #2: Catherine Talbot (guest)
Speaker #1: Cat Grant #3 Video Phobia - Does Privacy Still Matter?
Evaluator #1: Jim Burlison
Speaker #2: Tonya Holloway #10 - Are You Stuck?
Evaluator #2: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Cathy Lee
Best Evaluator: Carl
Best Table Topics: Steven
Most Improved: Cat
Best Speaker: Tonya
Friday, June 04, 2010
Cat Grant as TMod gave us a thoughtfully crafted program with a theme of "Appreciation."
Rolf Ridge gave Opening Remarks:
Tonya Holloway won Best Table Topics Speaker:
Carl Thormeyer gave his second #2 speech:
Carl was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Jm Burlison:
Arnie Buss gave his seventh #2 speech Three Steps to Forgiveness and was voted Best Speaker:
Arnie was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
TMoD: Cat Grant
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
Wordmaster: Cathy Lee "Gratitude"
Ah Counter: Betsy Larkin
Timer: Arnie Buss
Grammarian: Fred Sadler
Vote Counter: Elizabeth Mitchell
Table Topics Master: Art Testani
TT Speaker 1: Derby Luckie (Most Improved Speaker)
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salowski
TT Speaker 3: Tonya Holloway (Best Table Topics Speaker)
TT Speaker 4: Wendy Goody
Speaker #1: Carl Thormeyer, Icebreaker ""
Speaker #2: Arnie Buss, #2, "Three Steps to Forgiveness"
Evaluator #1: Margaret Stevens (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator #2: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Jim Burlison
3 guests
Rolf Ridge gave Opening Remarks:
Tonya Holloway won Best Table Topics Speaker:
Carl Thormeyer gave his second #2 speech:
Carl was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Jm Burlison:
Arnie Buss gave his seventh #2 speech Three Steps to Forgiveness and was voted Best Speaker:
Arnie was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:
TMoD: Cat Grant
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
Wordmaster: Cathy Lee "Gratitude"
Ah Counter: Betsy Larkin
Timer: Arnie Buss
Grammarian: Fred Sadler
Vote Counter: Elizabeth Mitchell
Table Topics Master: Art Testani
TT Speaker 1: Derby Luckie (Most Improved Speaker)
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salowski
TT Speaker 3: Tonya Holloway (Best Table Topics Speaker)
TT Speaker 4: Wendy Goody
Speaker #1: Carl Thormeyer, Icebreaker ""
Speaker #2: Arnie Buss, #2, "Three Steps to Forgiveness"
Evaluator #1: Margaret Stevens (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator #2: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Jim Burlison
3 guests
public speaking,
Friday, May 21, 2010
New Officers for 2010-2011:
President: Moyara Ruehsen
VP Education: Elizabeth Mitchell
VP Membership: Jim Burlison
VP Public Relations: Juliette Ferguson
Secretary: Margaret Stevens
Treasurer: Carl Thormeyer
Sergeant at Arms: Arnie Buss
Meeting Summary:
TMoD: Cathy Lee
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
Word Master: Fred Sadler ("plurality")
Ah Counter: Carl Thormeyer
Grammarian: Art Testani
Timer: Tonya Holloway
Vote Counter: Jim Burlison
Acceptance Speeches:
Moyara Ruehsen
Jim Burlison
Juliette Ferguson
Margaret Stevens (Most Improved Speaker)
Carl Thormeyer
Arnie Buss
Fred Sadler (Best Speaker)
Table Topics Master: Cat Grant
TT Speaker 1: Paul Salevski
TT Speaker 2: Wendy Goody
TT Speaker 3: Derby Luckie
TT Speaker 4: Rolf Ridge (Bset Table Topics)
General Evaluator: Arnie Buss
President: Moyara Ruehsen
VP Education: Elizabeth Mitchell
VP Membership: Jim Burlison
VP Public Relations: Juliette Ferguson
Secretary: Margaret Stevens
Treasurer: Carl Thormeyer
Sergeant at Arms: Arnie Buss
Meeting Summary:
TMoD: Cathy Lee
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
Word Master: Fred Sadler ("plurality")
Ah Counter: Carl Thormeyer
Grammarian: Art Testani
Timer: Tonya Holloway
Vote Counter: Jim Burlison
Acceptance Speeches:
Moyara Ruehsen
Jim Burlison
Juliette Ferguson
Margaret Stevens (Most Improved Speaker)
Carl Thormeyer
Arnie Buss
Fred Sadler (Best Speaker)
Table Topics Master: Cat Grant
TT Speaker 1: Paul Salevski
TT Speaker 2: Wendy Goody
TT Speaker 3: Derby Luckie
TT Speaker 4: Rolf Ridge (Bset Table Topics)
General Evaluator: Arnie Buss
Friday, May 14, 2010
Meeting Roles:
Opening Remarks: Cat Grant
TMoD: Jim Burlison
Wordmaster: Tonya Holloway ("pilfer")
Ah Counter: Arnie Buss
Grammarian: Art Testani
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Master: Tenly Connor (Most Improved Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker: Carl Thormeyer
Table Topics Speaker: Tonya Holloway
Table Topics Speaker: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Speaker: Art Testani
Table Topics Speaker: Arnie Buss (Best Table Topics)
Speaker #1: Cat Grant, Speech #3: Human Trafficking (Best Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Rolf Ridge (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer
Opening Remarks: Cat Grant
TMoD: Jim Burlison
Wordmaster: Tonya Holloway ("pilfer")
Ah Counter: Arnie Buss
Grammarian: Art Testani
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Master: Tenly Connor (Most Improved Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker: Carl Thormeyer
Table Topics Speaker: Tonya Holloway
Table Topics Speaker: Moyara Ruehsen
Table Topics Speaker: Art Testani
Table Topics Speaker: Arnie Buss (Best Table Topics)
Speaker #1: Cat Grant, Speech #3: Human Trafficking (Best Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Rolf Ridge (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Carl Thormeyer
Friday, May 07, 2010
Mother's Day
Tonya Holloway won Best Table Topics:
Fred Sadler gave the #1 speech from advanced manual "Humorously Speaking" entitled A Jewel in the Caribbean:
Fred was evaluated by Tonya Holloway, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Art Testani gave Evaluate to Motivate from "The Successful Club Series":
Art was evaluated by Arnie Buss:
Moyara Ruehsen was voted Best Speaker for her #4 speech in the advanced manual "Speaking to Inform" entitled Making Sense of the Greek Crisis:
Moyara was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected the Best Evaluator by GE Rolf Ridge:
Meeting Summary:
TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening remarks: Tonya Holloway
Wordmaster: Elizabeth Mitchell
Grammarian: Betsy Larkin
Ah Counter: Miroslov Lipowski (Most Improved Speaker)
Timer: Jim Burlison
Vote Counter: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Master: Elizabeth Mitchell
Best Table Topics Speaker: Tonya Holloway
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler, #1 in "Humorously Speaking" - A Jewel in the Caribbean
Speaker 1: Art Testani, Evaluate to Motivate (from "Successful Club Series")
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen, #4 in "Speaking to Inform" - Making Sense of the Greek Crisis (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Tonya Holloway (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator 2: Arnie Buss
Evaluator 3: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Rolf Ridge
Fred Sadler gave the #1 speech from advanced manual "Humorously Speaking" entitled A Jewel in the Caribbean:
Fred was evaluated by Tonya Holloway, who was selected Best Evaluator:
Art Testani gave Evaluate to Motivate from "The Successful Club Series":
Art was evaluated by Arnie Buss:
Moyara Ruehsen was voted Best Speaker for her #4 speech in the advanced manual "Speaking to Inform" entitled Making Sense of the Greek Crisis:
Moyara was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected the Best Evaluator by GE Rolf Ridge:
Meeting Summary:
TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening remarks: Tonya Holloway
Wordmaster: Elizabeth Mitchell
Grammarian: Betsy Larkin
Ah Counter: Miroslov Lipowski (Most Improved Speaker)
Timer: Jim Burlison
Vote Counter: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Master: Elizabeth Mitchell
Best Table Topics Speaker: Tonya Holloway
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler, #1 in "Humorously Speaking" - A Jewel in the Caribbean
Speaker 1: Art Testani, Evaluate to Motivate (from "Successful Club Series")
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen, #4 in "Speaking to Inform" - Making Sense of the Greek Crisis (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Tonya Holloway (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator 2: Arnie Buss
Evaluator 3: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Rolf Ridge
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