Friday, August 06, 2010


With 16 members and one guest present, newest member Tom Shih is inducted by Club President Moyara Ruehsen. Tom is a transfer from Wichita Falls, TX Toastmasters Club #305.

Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the tasty theme of "Pie"

Arnie Buss gave opening Remarks:

Fred Sadler was voted Best Table Topics speaker:

Suad Ali was voted Most Improved Speaker for her outstanding Icebreaker:

Suad was evaluated by Cat Grant:

Carl Thormeyer gave his #2 speech (the second time through the CC manual) A Tale of Three Toastmasters Clubs:

Carl was evaluated by Juliette Ferguson:

Moyara Ruehsen won Best Speaker for her humorous and in-character "Accepting an Award:"

Art Testani was selected Best Evaluator for his evaluation of Moyara's speech:

TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Arnie Buss
Wordmaster: Tenly Connor ("Confection")
Grammarian: Jim Burlison
Ah Counter: Tom Shih
Timer: Elie Ishag
Vote Counter: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics Speaker)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Speaker 1: Suad Ali, Icebreaker speech (Most Improved)
Speaker 2: Carl Thormeyer #2 o Competent CommunicatorA Tale of Three Clubs
Speaker 3: Moyara Ruehsen #5 of Special Occasion Speeches Accepting an Award (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Juliette Ferguson
Evaluator 3: Art Testani (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Wendy Goody

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