Friday, July 02, 2010

Spontaneous Combustion!

Carl Thormeyer, as TMoD led a variation on the usual tightly structured NPST meeting. Each attendee chose his role for the day from a grab bag prepared by Carl. Even the two "prepared speakers" had to give their five to seven minute speeches extemporaneously and they did a fine job. It was great fun.
The Club officers for July-December 2010 were installed by Area A1 Governor Fred Sadler:

Wendy Goody's Opening Remarks:

Rolf Ridge's Impromptu speech, Motherhood, Apple Pie, and the Fourth of July:

Joe Tacker's Impromptu Speech:

Arnie Buss was selected Best Evaluator for his feedback to Joe:

Meeting Theme: Sponteneity
Toastmaster: Carl Thormeyer
Opening Remarks: Wendy Goody
Word Master: Fred Sadler
Table Topics Master: Catherine J Lee
Table Topics Speaker 1: Glenn Woodson (Best Tabke Topics)
Table Topics Speaker 2: Wendy Goody
Table Topics Speaker 3: Jim Burlison
Table Topics Speaker 4: Arnie Buss
Timer: Emily Schell
Speaker #1: Rolf Ridge (Best Speaker & Most Improved)
Speaker #2: Joe Tacker (Best Speaker)
Evaluator #1: Betsy Larkin
Evaluator #2: Arnie Buss (Best Evaluator)
Grammarian: Margaret Stevens
Ah Counter: Art Testani
Vote Counter: Jim Burlison
General Evaluator: Moyara Ruehsen

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