Friday, June 25, 2010

June Weddings

Our last meeting of the 2009-2010 Toastmasters year was emceed by Arnie with the theme of "Weddings and Marriage" it being June, the traditional month of weddings. The "ewww" factor was raised by the sharing of the origins of June weddings (in the 1500's when people took a bath only once a year in May and by June were only a little bit aromatic - hence the bride's traditional bouquet of flowers).

Emily Schell was inducted as our newest member, bringing our final membership total to 32.
Welcome Emily!
Unfortunately the video camera was misbehaving and so the only one available is of Fred Sadler's winning table topics:

TMoD: Arnie Buss
Opening Remarks: Fred Sadler
Wordmaster: Rolf Ridge
Grammarian: Juliette Ferguson
Ah Counter: Jim Burlison
Timer: Derby Luckie
Vote Counter: Steven Simmons
Table Topics Master: Betsy Larkin (Most Improved)
TT Speaker 1: Fred Sadler (Best Table Topics)
TT Speaker 2: Steven Simmons
TT Speaker 3: Emily Schell
TT Speaker 4: Rolf Ridge
Speaker 1: Fred Sadler
Special Occasion Speeches #1: A Toast
Speaker 2: Moyara Ruehsen
CC Speech #2: Love is All You Need: So Let's Go Out and Find Some (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Art Testani
Evaluator 2: Carl Thormeyer (Best Evaluator)
General Evaluator: Arnie Buss

It has been another grand year for Club #2032!!!!

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