Friday, June 04, 2010


Cat Grant as TMod gave us a thoughtfully crafted program with a theme of "Appreciation."

Rolf Ridge gave Opening Remarks:

Tonya Holloway won Best Table Topics Speaker:

Carl Thormeyer gave his second #2 speech:

Carl was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Jm Burlison:

Arnie Buss gave his seventh #2 speech Three Steps to Forgiveness and was voted Best Speaker:

Arnie was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:

TMoD: Cat Grant
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
Wordmaster: Cathy Lee "Gratitude"
Ah Counter: Betsy Larkin
Timer: Arnie Buss
Grammarian: Fred Sadler
Vote Counter: Elizabeth Mitchell
Table Topics Master: Art Testani
TT Speaker 1: Derby Luckie (Most Improved Speaker)
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salowski
TT Speaker 3: Tonya Holloway (Best Table Topics Speaker)
TT Speaker 4: Wendy Goody
Speaker #1: Carl Thormeyer, Icebreaker ""
Speaker #2: Arnie Buss, #2, "Three Steps to Forgiveness"
Evaluator #1: Margaret Stevens (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator #2: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Jim Burlison

3 guests

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