Friday, June 11, 2010


Club President Art Testani began by inducting Steven Simmons to membership in Club # 2032:

Rolf Ridge as TMoD chose the theme of "Farewell" in honor of departing member Tonya Holloway who is off to Georgia. Tonya - we will miss you - please keep in touch.

Tenly Connor gave Opening Remarks.

Steven jumped right in by winning Table Topics in response to Fred Sadler's question:

Cat Grant gave her #3 speech entitled Video Phobia - Does Privacy Matter?

Cat was ably evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Tonya presented an inspirational #10 speech Are You Stuck, for which she received a standing ovation and was voted Best Speaker:

Tonya was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was selected Best Evaluator:

TMoD: Rolf Ridge
Opening Remarks: Tenly Connor
Wordmaster: Paul Salevski
Table Topics Master: Fred Sadler
TT Speaker #1: Steve Simmons
TT Speaker #2: Cathy Lee
TT Speaker #2: Catherine Talbot (guest)
Speaker #1: Cat Grant #3 Video Phobia - Does Privacy Still Matter?
Evaluator #1: Jim Burlison
Speaker #2: Tonya Holloway #10 - Are You Stuck?
Evaluator #2: Carl Thormeyer
General Evaluator: Cathy Lee

Best Evaluator: Carl
Best Table Topics: Steven
Most Improved: Cat
Best Speaker: Tonya

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