Friday, July 09, 2010

To Kill a Mockingbird

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the publication of Harper Lee's classic novel, veteran Toastmaster and Area A1 Governor Fred Sadler chose "To Kill a Mockingbird" as the theme for the day. The novel is a 20th Century classic and is filled with dramatic moments, insights into human bahavior (good and bad) and excellent writing. The 1962 movie, with an Academy award performance by Gregory Peck is also a gem. We had a big turnout of 17 members and eight guests.

Opening Remarks by Paul Salevski:

peaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)

Juliette was evaluated by Cat Grant:

Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)

Jim was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchell

Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)

Art was evaluated by Cathy Lee:

TMoD: Fred Sadler
Opening Remarks: Paul Salevski
Word Master: Emily Schell
Table Topics Master: Arnie Buss
TT Speaker 1: Elie Ishag
TT Speaker 2: Paul Salevski (tied for best TT speaker)
TT Speaker 3: Wendy Goody (tied for best TT speaker)
Timer Tenly Connor
Grammarian: Derby Luckie
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Margaret Stevens
Speaker 1: Juliette Ferguson (#4 CC) Greyt Geeks (best speaker)
Speaker 2: Jim Burlison (#7 CC) What's in a Name? (most improved)
Speaker 3: Art Testani Creating the Best Club Climate (Successful Club Series)
Evaluator 1: Cat Grant
Evaluator 2: Elizabeth Mitchell (best evaluator)
Evaluator 3: Cathy Lee

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