Friday, March 19, 2010

March Madness

Arnie Buss was TMoD - his theme was "March Madness" coinciding with the onset of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. In addition to 11 members, there were four guests.

Cat Grant gave opening remarks:

Jim Burlison as Table Topics Master asked creative questions of Tonya, Arnie, Margaret, Aaron, and Cat. Arnie was voted best table topics speaker with a take on "rebound":

Art Testani gave a prepared speech, Creating an Introduction from the Better Speaker Series:

Art was evaluated by Tonya Holloway:

Art and Tonya were best speaker and evaluator, respectively, while Margaret Stevens was voted Most Improved Speaker.

Rounding out the functions:

Opening Remarks: Cat Grant
Word Master: Fred Sadler (word of the day: "Bracket")
Grammarian: Fred Sadler
Ah Counter: Tenly Connor
Timer: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Margaret Stevens
Table Topics Master: Jim Burlison
General Evaluator: Moyara Ruehsen

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