Friday, March 05, 2010

And the Winner IS...

Fred Sadler gave a preview of the weekend's big Hollywood event with an Academy Awards-themed meeting. Dressed for the part in a stunning tuxedo that would have rocked any red carpet, Fred led a fun-filled meeting, culminating in the presentation of a genuine Oscar. 15 members attended.

Club President Art Testani welcomed newest member Erik Brannon:

Jim Burlison gave Opening Remarks:

Best Table Topics speaker was Cat Grant:

Art Testani presented from the Better Speaker Series module Using Body Language:

Art was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was voted Most Improved Speaker:

Moyara Ruehsen gave her #10 speech An Argument for Economic Literacy:

Moyara was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was also selected as Best Evaluator:
And the winner is...

Best Evaluator - Carl
Best TT - Cat
Best Speaker - Moyara
Most Improved - Margaret

TMoD - Fred
OR - Jim
WM - Stephen ("Merit")
TT Master - Wendy
Timer: Aaron
Ah Counter: Cathy
Grammarian: Rolf
Vote Counter: Jason
GE - Elizabeth

Congratulations to Moyara Ruehsen for achieving her CC!!!

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