Friday, March 26, 2010
Laughter & Comedy
Betsy Larkin being inducted by President Art Testani:
Moyara Ruehsen TMoD:
Rolf Ridge gave opening remarks:
Tonya Holloway was voted Best Table Topics Speaker:
Erik Brannon gave his Icebreaker speech Introduction to Erik Brannon and was voted Most Improved:
Erik was evaluated by Arnie who was selected Best Evaluator:
Margaret Stevens was voted Best Speaker for her #8 speech Practicing Massage:
Margaret was evaluate by Cathy Lee:
Opening Remarks: Rolf Ridge
TMoD: Moyara Ruehsen
Wordmaster Elizabeth Mitchell ("Chortle")
Grammarian: Tonya Holloway
Ah Counter: Rolf Ridge
Timer: Fred Sadler
Vote Counter: Fred Sadler
Table Topics Master: Elizabeth Mitchell
Table Topics Speaker 1: Art Testani
Table Topics Speaker 2: Betsy Larkin
Table Topics Speaker 3: Tonya Holloway (Best Table Topics Speaker)
Speaker 1: Erik Brannon, Icebreaker Introduction to Erik Brannon (Most Improved Speaker)
Speaker 2: Margaret Stevens #8 Practicing Massage (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Arnie Buss (Best Evaluator)
Evaluator 2: Cathy Lee
General Evaluator: Art Testani
Friday, March 19, 2010
March Madness
Cat Grant gave opening remarks:
Jim Burlison as Table Topics Master asked creative questions of Tonya, Arnie, Margaret, Aaron, and Cat. Arnie was voted best table topics speaker with a take on "rebound":
Art Testani gave a prepared speech, Creating an Introduction from the Better Speaker Series:
Art was evaluated by Tonya Holloway:
Art and Tonya were best speaker and evaluator, respectively, while Margaret Stevens was voted Most Improved Speaker.
Rounding out the functions:
Opening Remarks: Cat Grant
Word Master: Fred Sadler (word of the day: "Bracket")
Grammarian: Fred Sadler
Ah Counter: Tenly Connor
Timer: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Margaret Stevens
Table Topics Master: Jim Burlison
General Evaluator: Moyara Ruehsen
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Elizabeth Mitchell wins Area A-1 Table Topics Contest
Club # 2032 performed very well in today’s Area contests with Elizabeth Mitchell finishing first in a field of four in the Table Topics Contest. She gave a very well organized and witty response to Toastmaster Rachelle Onishi’s question “Is it ever OK to lie to avoid hurting someone’s feelings? Why or why not?” She will next compete in the Division Contest on the evening of April 23 in Aptos.
Arnie Buss finished a very strong second in the International Speech Contest with an outstanding presentation entitled “The most difficult person in the world”.
Carl Thormeyer served as Chief ballot counter, Chief Judge advisor and Parliamentarian. Juliette Ferguson, Tonya Holloway and Moyara Ruehsen served as judges and Fred Sadler was the Contest Chair. The theme for the Area A1 and A2 contests was “Cooperation Conquers” and was reflected in the spirited gathering and strong attendance. Feedback from attendees indicated it was the best area speech contest in memory. Fred Sadler was recognized as "Toastmaster of the Year" for Area A1 by Area A1 Governor Alisha Empleo.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Stephen Col's Opening Remarks puzzled us as planned:
Table Topics Master Juliette Ferguson called on four members: Arnie, Elizabeth, Tonya, and Stephen. Arnie's diatribe on tattoos won the day:
Rolf Ridge presented his #2 speech The Site Visit, and was voted Most Improved:
Rolf was evaluated by Elizabeth Mitchell-chosen Best Evaluator by GE Tonya Holloway.
Carl Thormeyer was voted best speaker for his rendition What's in it For Me:
Carl was evaluated by Arnie Buss:
Timer: Fred Sadler
Grammarian: Arnie Buss
Ah Counter Aaron Sanchez
General Evaluator: Tonya Holloway
Friday, March 05, 2010
And the Winner IS...
Club President Art Testani welcomed newest member Erik Brannon:
Jim Burlison gave Opening Remarks:
Best Table Topics speaker was Cat Grant:
Art Testani presented from the Better Speaker Series module Using Body Language:
Art was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was voted Most Improved Speaker:
Moyara Ruehsen gave her #10 speech An Argument for Economic Literacy:
Moyara was evaluated by Carl Thormeyer, who was also selected as Best Evaluator:
And the winner is...
Best Evaluator - Carl
Best TT - Cat
Best Speaker - Moyara
Most Improved - Margaret
TMoD - Fred
OR - Jim
WM - Stephen ("Merit")
TT Master - Wendy
Timer: Aaron
Ah Counter: Cathy
Grammarian: Rolf
Vote Counter: Jason
GE - Elizabeth
Congratulations to Moyara Ruehsen for achieving her CC!!!