Friday, December 04, 2009


VPE and TMoD Moyara Ruehsen led a well attended meeting (for this time of year), with 13 members present. Her theme was Afghanistan.

Juliette Ferguson called on 5 different table topics speakers...

Elie Ishag imagined being a dog handler searching for land mines in Afghanistan:

Carl Thormeyer explained how Burkha Barbies could be considered the epitome of capitalism:

Newest member Dalton Clarke responded to the question of how a Toastmasters club might work in Afghanistan as compared to the U.S.:

Art Testani imagined he was the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan:

But it was Joe Tacker who won best table topics:

Fred Sadler gave his #4 speech (A Dramatic Talk) from the advanced manual "The Entertaining Speaker" entitled The Gray Eminence and the Summer of '68:

Fred was evaluated by Jim Burlison:

Margaret Stevens gave a warm and supportive General Evaluation:

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