Friday, November 20, 2009


With 16 members and one guest present, Elizabeth Mitchell gave us another example of a well-run Toastmasters meeting in her role as TMOD. Her theme was the importance of mentoring.

Jim Burlison gave Opening Remarks:

Table Topics was expertly run by Cathy Lee. There was a tie for best Table Topics between Carolyn Keeler and Rosetta Ishag:

Arnie Buss gave a #4 speech Don't Ask and was voted Best Speaker:

Arnie was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Lacey Raak:

Elie Ishag gave his #8 speech The U.S. Dollar and was voted Most Improved Speaker:

Elie was evaluated by Art Testani:

Club officers for the January - June term were voted in. Congratulations!

President: Art Testani
VPE: Moyara Ruehsen
VPM: Karen Woodson
VPPR: Glenn Woodson
Secretary: Elizabeth Mitchell
Treasurer: Carl Thormeyer
Sgt-at - Arms: Aaron Sanchez

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