Friday, May 29, 2009


Having just returned from a reunion with professional colleagues and with family in San Diego, TMoD Fred Sadler chose the theme "reunions". The dictionary emphasizes "reuniting" in its definition - a major reason why each meeting of Club # 2032 is filled with joy as well as learning. The meeting was attended by seventeen members and one guest.

Area A1 Governor Ralph Villar was welcomed by Acting President Tito DeJesus. Nick Harlambakis was inducted as our newest member - welcome Nick! Bruce Lim skillfully presented Opening Remarks.
Art Testani led Table Topics and newest member Nick Harlambakis was voted
Best Table Topics speaker:

Jim Burlison volunteered at the eleventh hour and presented a beautifully organized #2 speech entitled 10,000 for which he was voted Most Improved speaker:

Jim was ably evaluated by Kate Daniels, who was selected Best Evaluator by GE Arnie Buss:

Emilie Staryak began her #9 speech "Not the Big Bad Wolf" by channeling The Big Bad Wolf and then proceded to pursuade us that wolves aren't really so bad after all. She tied with Jim for Most Improved speaker and was also voted Best Speaker:

Emilie was evaluated by David Perez:

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