Natalie Laudier's Opening Remarks
Moyara Ruehsen's #2 speech earned her "Most Improved" - entitled A Tutorial on Money Laundering:
Fred Sadler's evaluation of Moyara's speech; Fred was selected "Best Evaluator":
Tito DeJesus' #9 speech about giving up your cell phone for a day earned him "Best Speaker":
Cathy Lee evaluated Tito:
"Best Table Topics" was won by visiting Toastmaster Wendy Goody, ACB/CL, who is a member of two clubs in District 57 (East Bay). Wendy is relocating to our area and we hope she will join us here at NPS!
The nominating committee chair, Carl Thormeyer presented the report of the nominating committee for the upcoming club elections, which will take place next Friday May 22nd. The following members have agreed to run, and serve for the July - December 2009 term if elected:
President: Art Testani
VP Education: Cathy Lee
VP Membership: Tonya Holloway
VP Public Relations: Karen Woodson
Secretary: Moyara Ruehsen
Treasurer: Craig
Sgt-at-Arms: Khalid "KJ" Woods
Anyone who is interested in running for an office is encouraged to do so - please let Carl know before May 22.
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