Seven members were in attendance, and three speeches were given. Unfortunately none were video taped, so you will just have to use your imagination. Our VP Education Tito DeJesus served as TMoD for the event as well as being a speech evaluator.
David Perez gave his #4 speech One Step at a Time and was evaluated by Tito DeJesus.
Art Testani gave speech #4 from the advance Manual "Public Relations" entitled Financial Crisis and the Global Economy, and was evaluated by Arnie Buss. This advanced project consisted of a presentation followed by question-and-answer period.
Margaret Stevens kept us all on track with her skillful timing.
It was another awesome - and joyful - NPS Toastmasters event. The breadth of information and topics by members of our club is inspiring indeed.
If you are itching to give a speech and have been unable to get on the regular schedule, then you have at least two options:
- Have your speech ready to go and step forward if a speaking slot opens the week of the meeting.
- Plan on giving your speech at the next Smedley Saturday.