Twenty members and two guests were present as the meeting agenda went back to normal under the outstanding tutelage of VPM Fred Sadler as Toastmaster and VPE Robin Walker as Acting President. Robin started the meeting by leading the vote to accept and then inducting the following four new members:
- Scott Ceremuga (reinstated to NPS TM; now a dual member),
- Mashbat Otgonbayer (previously a frequent guest),
- Monica Rodriguez (reinstated; formerly of the same Washington, DC TM club that Robin belonged to before coming to NPS), and
- Ryan Squires.
It being Valentines Day week, Toastmaster of the Day par excellence Fred Sadler chose "Love is a Many splendored Thing" as the theme of the meeting. Angi Anderson led a vibrant Table Topics session, pointing out in passing that "splendored" is actually not even a real word. She called on some of our newest members. Rosetta Ishag won Best Table Topics by describing when and how she felt like a queen on her wedding day. Not to be outdone, hubby Elie Ishag responded by winning “Best Speaker” with his #2 speech about “Traditions”. (Ed. Note: Elie and Rosetta return to London this coming week and will not be with us again until May. We will miss them!) Most Improved was Eric Timmerman, with his Icebreaker entitled “E.T. Call Home”. Ned Powley continued his march through the manual with his #4 speech. Armed with PowerPoint and the “smart screen”, he discussed his research into how communities cope with tragedies such as the Columbine shootings, and related his personal experiences with a similar incident in Cleveland. Congratulations to all the winners!
NEXT WEEK 23 Feb: Club International Speech Contest and Table Topics Contest. Robin Walker and Fred Sadler are the respective Chairs.
NEXT WEEK 24 Feb: Our second monthly “Smedley Saturday” at the La Mesa Community Center. Ten (10) speakers have signed up, including two advanced speeches!
Submitted by:
Carl Thormeyer, DTM
NPS TM Club Historian
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