Saturday, February 03, 2007


The February 2nd meeting was expertly organized and run by Angi Anderson in her first time as Toastmaster of the Day. You would never know it the way the meeting flowed smoothly and expertly. Although a "first-timer" at being TMoD, Angi executed like an well-seasoned, experienced toastmaster. Congratulations Angi! Her theme was related to the fact that today is Groundhog Day, and she put a twist on that by making it "Do-Overs," with reference to the Bill Murray film. Continuing our tradition of well-attended, enthusiastic meetings, there were 17 members, with returning guests Sterling Woodson (a model of infant-ry discipline!) Monica April-Rodriguez, Dave Schultz, Eric Oliver and Ryan Squires, along with first-time guest Regine Oh. After the meeting, Monica, Ryan, and Eric signed up to be members and will be officially voted in at the next meeting. We welcome them to our club and look forward to their joining us in the quest for improved listening, thinking and public speaking in Toastmasters!

It was in fact a meeting of many "first-times." Serving first time in their respective roles were Ned Powley as timer, Eric Timmermen as vote counter, Karen Woodson as Opening Remarks, and "Dressed For Success" Shahid Abrar ul Hassan as Table Topics Master. Speaking of Table Topics, Shahid's creative questions stimulated even more creative responses, with Robin Walker putting forth the thesis that Superman and Punxsutawney Phil are one and the same (evidence being that they have never been seen in the same place together). Glenn Tolle responded with a call to groundhogs everywhere to throw off their chains of bondage and achieve world domination. Both responses had the club roaring with laughter, and Glenn edged Robin for best Table Topics speaker.

We were graced with three excellent speeches. Rosetta Ishag give her Icebreaker speech (yet another "first" for the meeting) and inspired us with her stories of a childhood in Cairo, Egypt, her longtime marriage to Elie, and her work with charity organizations. Rosetta was followed by Andrew Kennedy, returning after an extended absence, who gave a moving speech about being allowed to make his own mistakes, the wisdom he has gained through that, and his sad but inspiring journey through painful episodes in his life. Finally, Elizabeth Sussex gave a persuasive and moving call for people to take action to solve the humanitarian crisis in Darfur Sudan. Rosetta however won our hearts and minds for best speaker and most improved. Congratulations Rosetta!

The meeting was capped off by  outstanding evaluations by Carl Thormeyer,  and Glenn Tolle, with Glenn getting the nod for best evaluator. Another outstanding meeting full of energy, fun, enthusiasm - and learning.

-- Arnie


Glenn Tolle said...

Arnie---great writeup! It was a fun meeting. Looking forward to the next one.


Karen Woodson said...

Interesting rendition of the meeting this week. Reading it made me enjoy yesterdays crowning moments even more.
