Friday, March 18, 2011

Hail and Farewell to Paul!

We bid a fond farewell to Paul Salevski, who was the (surprise) theme of the meeting. Paul left with a "bang," giving his #6 speech. We are sad to see Paul leave, and wish him and his family all the best in the future!

Juliette Ferguson Humorist (more of a tribute to Paul):

Moyara Ruehsen Best Table Topics:

Natasha Zeligs Icebreaker (Most Improved) I Dared to Dream:

Cathy Lee Evaluates Natasha:

Kate Daniels Kurz #6 (Best Speaker) Over-Prepped, Yet Under-Prepared:

Moyara Ruehsen (Best Evaluator):

Paul Salevski #6 speech I Have a Voice:

Glenn Woodson Evaluates:

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