Friday, April 23, 2010


Tonya Holloway took us waay outside the box with a creative meeting with the theme of "Bingo." The highlight was a running game of "Toastmasters Bingo" where we had to guess which member had done what (like being attacked by a great white shark, winning a beauty contest, teaching dance classes).

Elizabeth Mitchell completed her #10 speech and earning her Competent Communicator. Congratulations Elizabeth!

Art Testani led off with Opening Remarks:

Table Topics was won by Carl Thormeyer:

Arnie practiced his contest speech for the evening's Division A International speech contest, The Most Difficult Person in the World:

Arnie was evaluated by Cathy Lee, who was selected as Best Evaluator:

Elizabeth Mitchell gave her #10 speech Experience Life, and was voted Most Improved speaker:

Elizabeth was evaluated by Moyara Ruehsen:

Meeting Summary:

TMoD: Tonya Holloway
Opening Remarks: Art Testani
Wordmaster: Fred Sadler ("fortuitous")
Ah Counter: Fred Sadler
Grammarian: Rolf Ridge
Vote Counter: Carl Thormeyer
Table Topics Master: Cat Grant
Table Topics Speaker 1: Joe Tacker
Table Topics Speaker 2: Jim Burlison
Table Topics Speaker 3: Carl Thormeyer (Best Table Topics Speaker)
Speaker 1: Arnie Buss The Most Difficult Person in the World (practice for Division Contest) (Best Speaker)
Evaluator 1: Cathy Lee (Best Evaluator)
Speaker 2: Elizabeth Mitchell #10: Experience Life (Most Improved Speaker)
Evaluator 2: Moyara Ruehsen
General Evaluator: Art Tetsani

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