Friday, November 20, 2009


With 16 members and one guest present, Elizabeth Mitchell gave us another example of a well-run Toastmasters meeting in her role as TMOD. Her theme was the importance of mentoring.

Jim Burlison gave Opening Remarks:

Table Topics was expertly run by Cathy Lee. There was a tie for best Table Topics between Carolyn Keeler and Rosetta Ishag:

Arnie Buss gave a #4 speech Don't Ask and was voted Best Speaker:

Arnie was evaluated by Margaret Stevens, who was selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Lacey Raak:

Elie Ishag gave his #8 speech The U.S. Dollar and was voted Most Improved Speaker:

Elie was evaluated by Art Testani:

Club officers for the January - June term were voted in. Congratulations!

President: Art Testani
VPE: Moyara Ruehsen
VPM: Karen Woodson
VPPR: Glenn Woodson
Secretary: Elizabeth Mitchell
Treasurer: Carl Thormeyer
Sgt-at - Arms: Aaron Sanchez

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today's meeting, with 18 members present, got off to a great start with the induction of newest member Dalton Clarke. Here is Dalton being sworn in by Club President Art Testani:

Welcome to club # 2032 Dalton!

Aaron Sanchez channeled Julie Andrews in "Sound of Music" with his Opening Remarks:

First-time TMoD Margaret Stevens led a song-filled meeting around the theme of "Singing."
As a special treat, she regaled us with song versions of inspirational poetry from the masters:

Elizabeth Mitchell led Table Topics, with excellent responses from Aaron Sanchez, Dennis Hickman, Jason Lin, and the winner, Joe Tacker:

Two #7 speeches ("Research Your Topic") were jammed full of important and detailed information. First, based in part on her recent Op-Ed piece in the L.A. Times, Moyara Ruehsen explained the economics of the drug trade in Afghanistan. Moyara tied with Lacey Raak for Most Improved speaker. Here is her Afghanistan Opium Trends & Policy Implications:

Moyara's speech was evaluated by Fred Sadler, who was selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Karen Woodson.

Lacey Raak described how climate change is affecting us in Monterey and outlined some of the local work that is moving toward solutions. Lacey was voted Best Speaker and tied with Moyara for Most Improved. Here is her Climate Action and Planning:

Lacey's speech was evaluated by Tonya Holloway:
A proposed slate of officers for the next term was presented by Immediate Past President Fred Sadler, chairman of the Nominating Committee.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Dinner Parties!

With 13 members and one guest present, our meeting this week got off to a terrific start with the addition of a new member. Here is Club President Art Testani inducting our newest member, Carolyn Keeler. Carolyn is a previous Toastmaster with Monterey Peninsula Toastmasters #934.

Lacey Raak, in her first time as Toastmaster of the Day, led a fantastic meeting with the delicious theme of "dinner parties."

Margaret Stevens gave a hint at the theme with her Opening Remarks:

Elizabeth Mitchell won a hard-fought round of Table Topics:

In what must be a first for the club, there were two speeches by DTM's, Carl and Arnie. And each was giving a speech from the basic CC manual.

Arnie Buss gave a #3 speech titled Why am I Here? and was voted Most Improved as well as Best Speaker:

Arnie was evaluated by Aaron Sanchez:

Carl Thormeyer completed another CC manual with his #10 speech Dare to Dream. This completes another CC for Carl - congratulations!

Carl was evaluated by Arnie Buss, who completed a trifecta by being selected Best Evaluator by General Evaluator Art Testani:

One of the highlights was Lacey's story about the dinner party in 1900 that included all the mayors in France: