Friday, July 24, 2009

Fiscal Responsibility

Wendy Goody, a newer NPS TM member but seasoned Toastmaster, led today's meeting with a theme of Fiscal Responsibility. Raising the bar with a printed agenda, Wendy enlisted the assistance of her "Debt Squad" with some (scary) facts about the state of our debt. With a lot of folks on vacation, we had a rather underpopulated meeting of 11 members and one guest, so there was lots of "double duty"! Great effort by Wendy, who is also a Division Governor in District 57 this year (East Bay).

We need to push back against the state of our debt!

This affects us all!

Karen Woodson gave Opening Remarks:

To give the evaluators more time, the prepared speakers went first. Craig led off with a humorous #4 speech (title??) about why coffee should be regulated - and the dire consequences of not having coffee. Craig was voted both Best Speaker and Most Improved:

Craig was evaluated by Art Testani:

Elizabeth Mitchell gave her #8 speech The Fun House, in which she showed pictures of her color-filled abode, a vast improvement over beige, the motif of her erstwhile residence.

Elizabeth was evaluated by Joe Tacker, who was selected Best Evaluator:

KJ Woods won Best Table Topics Speaker:

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