Friday, April 04, 2008

Spring has Sprung!

Another great crowd of 19 members and two guests enjoyed our April 4th meeting, which was ably run by first-time TMOD Elie Ishag with his theme of Spring. Impeccably dressed and professionally smooth, Elie navigated us through another soul-satisfying meeting featuring Cathy Lee's #10 speech and John Armstrong's #3 speech. Cathy completed her requirements for the "Competent Communicator (CC)" award with a wonderfully motivating talk about spiritual encouragement, and won "Best Speaker" as well! John won "Most Improved" with his talk about the importance of our national parks. Winning "Best Table Topics" was Glenn Woodson, who took the opportunity to plea for volunteers for the upcoming Sea Otter Classic bicycle races at Laguna Seca, while GE Fred Sadler chose Carl Thormeyer as "Best Evaluator" for his review of Cathy's #10 speech.

The new members keep rolling in (to replace those leaving), as first-time guest Walter Bilger joined immediately, and another first-time guest Tito deJesus indicating he would be joining soon. Welcome, Walt!

Cathy Lee's completion of her CC gives NPS TM six CCs for the year, which goes a long way toward helping District 4 meet its goals. Go to to see NPS Toastmasters standing alone atop District 4's Distinguished Club Plan ladder from over 200 clubs between San Francisco and King City!

We will miss Elie and Rosetta Ishag, who are returning to their other home in London this week, but they will be coming back to Carmel in July.

Sorry no video this week.

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