Friday, January 18, 2008


With 14 members and 7 guests, we had another full and action-packed meeting! Club President Angi Anderson begin the first full meeting of her reign by turning over the reins to VP Education Fred Sadler to be acting President. Fred began with recognition of Arnie Buss' achieving Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM), the highest communication and leadership award in Toastmasters. Arnie was treated to a "hug line" consisting of the club's other DTM, Carl Thormeyer.

Angi, sporting a glamorous new hairdo, expertly guided the club through another fabulous meeting. As TMoD, Angi chose the theme of "Mentors" - people who help guide us and from whom we learn. Toastmasters emphasizes mentoring, and the NPS Toastmasters club is a great example of that. Angi turned the introductory "tidbits" around by ststingwhat qualities she admired and learned from for each functionary. What a terrific theme and message for all the NPS Toastmasters!

Tables Topics were superbly run by Brian Anderson, who asked challenging questions about mentoring, with Carl Thormeyer voted best Table Topics Speaker.

One of our newest members, Zeki Yildirim, led off the prepared speeches with an informative and entertaining perspective on "Procrastination" for his #2 speech ("Organize Your Speech"), for which he was voted Most Improved Speaker. Arnie Buss followed with a #3 ("Get to the Point") in his third time through the Competent Communication manual, titled You're Going to Wear THAT?!?, a look at entrapping questions and how to avoid them, for which he received Best Speaker.

Two superb evaluations were given by Fred Sadler (evaluating Zeki) and Michael Barksdale (for Arnie). In Michael's first evaluation, he demonstrated the sandwich method, offering both encouragement as well as helpful suggestions for improvement. Fred likewise gave a detailed and useful evaluation of Zeki's speech, for which Fred received Best Evaluator.

Zeki's #2 Speech Do Not Procrastinate!

Arnie #3 Speech You're Going to Wear THAT?!?

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